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This paper presents the design of decentralized repetitive control(RC) for multi-input multi-output(MIMO) systems. An optimization method is used to obtain a RC
溯源:“五驾马车”的来历  我国著名糖尿病专家向红丁教授对糖尿病的治疗提出的“五驾马车”原则即:教育与心理治疗、饮食、运动、药物、血糖监测。教育是先导、饮食是基础、运动是手段、药物是根本、监测是保证。    详解“五驾马车”综合防治  ◎ 第一驾:教育与心理治疗。学习糖尿病知识,是战胜糖尿病的第一步。只有掌握糖尿病的基本知识,才能有效地参与治疗,开展自我监测、自我管理。心理治疗的作用也不容忽视,很
This paper presents control strategies for finite-time stabilization of a class of nonholonomic dynamic systems with unknown virtual control coefficients and sy
In this paper, a new analysis and design method for proportional-integrative-derivative(PID) tuning is proposed based on controller scaling analysis. Integral o
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing and popular computer technologies, and there are more and more enterprise services based on the cloud computing. I
In this paper we address the problem of pressure management in water supply system(WSS) network. The model-based predictive control(MPC) strategies have some im
In order to compensate the network-induced random delays in networked control systems(NCSs), the semi-continuous hidden Markov model(SCHMM) is introduced in thi
中医把糖尿病称作消渴,早在《黄帝内经》中就提出过食肥甘,形体肥胖与消渴病的发生有着密切的关系。中医学认为,糖尿病的发病主要在于脾络中气血亏虚,痰瘀停滞瘀阻在脾络,造成脾的转输功能失常,从而引起营养物质代谢紊乱、血糖升高。中医所说的“脾”也包括胰腺在内。  胰岛素是人体糖代谢所必需的一种生理激素,由胰腺中的胰岛β细胞所分泌。糖尿病患者是否需要注射补充胰岛素,取决于患者自身胰岛β细胞的功能,Ⅱ型糖尿病