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一、巨大的成就 1989年是我国建国40周年,40年来,在中国共产党的领导下,我国的政治、经济建设都取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。特别是从党的十一届三中全会以来,在党的以经济建设为中心。坚持四项基本原则和坚持改革开放的总方针的指引下,经济建设更加突飞猛进。社会总产值、国民生产总值和国民收入都翻了一番多,工农业生产大幅度增长,许多工业产品达到国际水平,有些产品的产量已经位于世界前列。农产品基本上满足人民生活和工业原料的需要,在生产发展的基础上,商品供应丰富多彩,城乡市场繁荣兴旺,全国绝大多数人民已经过上了温饱生活,部分地区已 I. Huge Achievements 1989 was the 40th anniversary of the founding of our nation. Over the past 40 years, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, great achievements in attracting worldwide attention have been made in the political and economic construction in our country. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, in particular, the party has taken economic construction as its center. Under the guidance of the four basic principles and the general principle of persisting in carrying out the policy of reform and opening up, the economic construction is even faster by leaps and bounds. The gross social product, gross national product and national income have both more than doubled. The industrial and agricultural production has risen sharply. Many industrial products have reached the international level and the output of some products has been at the forefront of the world. On the basis of production and development, the supply of agricultural products basically meets the needs of people’s living and industrial raw materials. The supply of commodities is rich and colorful, the urban and rural markets are booming and thriving, and the vast majority of the people in the country have already lived a full and adequate life. In some areas,
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我们为何要一天工作八小时呢?答案隐藏在工业革命的浪潮之中。  18世纪后期,当公司开始最大化提高工厂产量时,让工厂一周七天、一天二十四小时运转不停。当然,为了提高效率,人们就得工作更长时间。实际上,那个时候一天工作10—16小時很正常。如此超长的工作时间并没有一直持续下去,因为一个名叫罗伯特·欧文的人勇敢地发起了一场运动,呼吁人们每天的工作时间不应超过八小时,他的口号就是“八小时工作,八小时消遣”