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父女之情,是一种最亲密、最持久的亲情,但也会因缺乏相互之间的心理沟通而蒙上阴影。读了这篇文章,相信父女之间再相看的时候,会换一种眼光,使父女之间更易理解,使父女之间的亲情变得更加淳厚。 The love of father and daughter is one of the most intimate and lasting family ties, but it can also cast a shadow over the lack of mutual psychological communication. After reading this article, I believe that when father and daughter look at each other again, they will change their perspectives so as to make the understanding between father and daughter more easily and make the affection between father and daughter more honest.
和古老的IDE相比,硬盘的SATA接口虽然具备更高的传输速率和热插拔的属性,但寿命和质量却差了点意思,一旦接口出现问题,售后质保的隐患也会随之而来。 Compared with the old
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在清初众多来华传教士中,南怀仁(Ferdinandus Verbiest,1623——1687年,1641年入耶稣会,1659年来华)是一位颇为知名的人物。南怀仁字敦伯,一字勋卿,比利时人。在康熙年间曾
In order to get a deep understanding of composite failure mechanisms, the new advanced signal processing methodologies are established for the analysis of the l
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事情发生在本世纪70年代。Q国的一艘巡洋舰“马格德堡”号在波罗的海触礁沉没。G国得到情报后,立刻派出舰艇前去搜索。从这只沉船中,G国的潜水员打捞出 Things happened in