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《小学体育课程标准》中要求小学三年级学生必须能够学会踢足球。然而,现实情况却是许多三年级学生之前接触足球的机会并不多。因此,足球训练必须从小学生开始。但是由于小学生年龄太小,如果在练习中稍不注意,就很容易有受伤的危险,造成其对足球兴趣的降低。如何解决这样的问题,是一线体育教师值得思考的问题。一、遵守教学原则,不断改进训练方法小学生身体骨骼还处于发育阶段,如果训练不当就很容易损害其身体健康。所以,教师给学生布置的训练量不能过大,更 The Primary School PE Curriculum Standard requires that third grade students must be able to learn to play football. However, the reality is that there are not many opportunities for many third graders to come into contact with football before. Therefore, football training must begin with pupils. However, because pupils are too young, if you pay little attention to your practice, you are at risk of being injured, resulting in a decrease in their interest in football. How to solve such a problem is a problem worthy of consideration for front-line physical education teachers. First, abide by the teaching principles, and constantly improve the training methods Pok bone is still in the developmental stages of primary school students, it is easy to damage their health if training is not appropriate. Therefore, the amount of training given to students by teachers should not be excessive
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认识阿拉伯狒狒吗?知道它们有多么与众不同吗?如果你的答案是否定的,那就带上你的好奇心和求知欲,到阿拉伯狒狒的地盘好好了解一番吧! Do you know the Arabian baboons? Kn
读了孙美香的《含义明确些更好》(发表于2008年7—8月《中小学数学》小学版)一文,想到自己也曾经遇到过这样的困惑,现谈谈我的一些想法。 Sun Meixiang read “the meaning
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一、写自己爱说的话,才有新意同学们有自己的想法,有自己想做的事,有自己喜欢的东西,如写小偷在车上偷钱被当场发现,却没有人敢把他送派出所, First, to write their own lo