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目的探讨长波紫外线照射对硬皮病鼠模型皮肤硬化程度的影响。方法小鼠局部注射博来霉素建立硬皮病鼠模型后,随机分成三组,每组3只小鼠,其中一组小鼠不照射UVA1,另外两组小鼠分别每次照射UVA1 12 min(5.32 J/cm~2)、25 min(11.1 J/cm~2),连续20次,累积剂量分别为106.4和222 J/cm~2。另一批小鼠随机分两组,每组3只小鼠,每日注射博来霉素同时每日照射UVA1剂量分别为5.32 J/cm~2和11.1 J/cm~2,连续20次,累积剂量分别为106.4和222 J/cm~2。结果和未经UVA1照射的硬皮病鼠模型比较,接受不同剂量UVA1照射后的两组硬皮病小鼠皮损区表真皮厚度显著降低(P<0.05),羟脯氨酸含量显著降低(P<0.05),真皮中转化生长因子β(TGF-β)表达降低(P<0.05).基质金属蛋白酶1(MMP-1)表达升高(P<0.05)。两组小鼠注射博来霉素同时接受不同剂量UVA1照射后皮损处表真皮厚度、TGF-β表达、MMP-1表达差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论UVA1照射博来霉素诱导的硬皮病小鼠模型均可导致皮损处能分解胶原纤维的MMP-1表达增加,促进胶原合成的TGF-β表达降低,胶原含量降低,表真皮厚度降低。 Objective To investigate the effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the degree of skin sclerosis in scleroderma mouse models. Methods The mouse model of scleroderma was established by local injection of bleomycin. The mice were randomly divided into three groups with 3 mice in each group. One group of mice was not exposed to UVA1 and the other two groups were irradiated with UVA1 12 min (5.32 J / cm ~ 2) and 25 min (11.1 J / cm ~ 2) for 20 times. The cumulative doses were 106.4 and 222 J / cm ~ 2, respectively. Another group of mice were randomly divided into two groups, each group of 3 mice, daily injection of bleomycin UVA1 daily doses of 5.32 J / cm 2 and 11.1 J / cm 2, 20 consecutive times, The cumulative doses were 106.4 and 222 J / cm ~ 2, respectively. Results Compared with the scleroderma model without irradiation of UVA1, the thickness of dermis in the skin lesions of the two scleroderma mice irradiated with different doses of UVA1 significantly decreased (P <0.05) and the content of hydroxyproline decreased significantly (P < (P <0.05), while the expression of TGF-β in dermis decreased (P <0.05), while the expression of MMP-1 increased (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in dermal thickness, TGF-β expression and MMP-1 expression between the two groups of mice injected with bleomycin and UVA1 irradiation at different doses (P> 0.05). Conclusion UVA1 bleomycin-induced scleroderma mouse model can lead to collagen fibers in the lesion can increase the expression of MMP-1, collagen synthesis to promote the expression of TGF-β decreased collagen content decreased surface dermis thickness decreased .
调查表明三峡库区淹没区土壤重金属含量均达到国家土壤环境标准3级以上,其中Cu含量范围为10.7~80.2mg/kg,均值为37.0 mg/kg;Pb含量范围为14.6~51.8 mg/kg,均值为29.3 mg/kg;Zn
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