精打细算 艰苦创业

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“厉行节约、反对浪费”不仅是一个经济问题,而且是一个政治问题。它是直接关系到国民经济发展速度的一件大事;是关系到用无产阶级思想办企业,还是用资产阶级思想办企业的一件大事;是关系到能不能坚持艰苦奋斗的革命传统,发扬延安精神,走大庆道路,培养无产阶级革命事业接班人的一件大事。当基本建设系统的广大职工一旦认识到它的重大政治意义时,就能在基本建设工作中精打细算,艰苦创业。把能够节省的每一两水泥,每一个纸袋,每一度电,每一斤煤,每一滴油,每一块钢材和木材都节省下来,用到国家建设最急需的地方去。四冶多斗挖土机的复活、三冶节约水泥的新风尚、十一冶回收水泥纸袋的经验都充分说明了这一点。自冶金部党委部署开展厉行节约反对浪费的工作以来,已有四个多月的时间了,达方面的好人好事,不断涌现。我们希望各级领导要充分依靠群众,爱护群众的积极性,并教育群众把节约同实现第三个五年计划的战略目标结合起来,同“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略思想结合起来,同培养一个“以艰苦为荣、浪费可耻”的好作风结合起来。发现好的典型,要及时总结推广,运用以点带面的方法,更好地开展增产节约运动。 “Practicing economy and fighting wastage” is not only an economic issue but also a political issue. It is a major event directly related to the pace of national economic development. It is a major event that concerns the operation of enterprises with proletarian ideology or the operation of enterprises by capitalist ideology. It is a revolutionary event that concerns whether we can persevere in arduous struggle and promote Yan’an Spirit, follow the Daqing road, and cultivate successors to the proletarian revolutionary cause. Once the majority of workers in the capital construction system have realized its great political significance, they will be able to make careful planning and arduous pioneering in their capital construction work. Save on every two cements, every paper bag, every kilowatt, every drop of oil, every piece of steel and lumber we can save, in the most urgent need of nation-building. Four Ye multi-bucket excavator resurrection, the three Metallurgical new trend of saving cement, 11 Metallurgical recycling of paper bags experience fully illustrates this point. It has been more than four months since the Metallurgical Ministry Party Committee deployed and carried out the work of saving the opposition and wastes. The good and good deeds of the DPP have been continuously emerging. We hope that leaders at all levels should fully rely on the masses and care for the enthusiasm of the masses and educate the masses to combine conservation with the strategic goal of achieving the third five-year plan and with the great strategic ideology of “preparing for war, preparing for shortage and for the people” Get together and cultivate a good style of “proud of hardship, shameful waste”. Found a good example, we must promptly sum up the promotion, the use of point-by-surface approach to better carry out the campaign to increase production and conservation.