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Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONWhittaker first studied the relation between the first integral and integral invariant, and proved that an integral invariant can be determined by a given first integral. Recently, Mei Fengxiang further extended this result into the nonholo
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Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONThe Mbius inversion formula in number theory has been modified recently by Chen to account for the continuous variables such that
人教版初三几何课本关于圆一章的例题,有四处标有“注意”的叙述文字,它给出了添加辅助线的规律,为了帮助同学们正确理解、灵 There are four descriptive texts marked wit
In this letter,we study the semilinear two-point boundary value problem u〃(x)+u(x)+g(x,u(x))=h(x),U(0)=u(π)=0 ,where h∈L~2(0,π) and g: (0, π)&#215;R→R are
The transient behavior of a semiconductor device is described by a system of three quasilinear partial differential equations: one elliptic in form for the elec
Algorithm complexity analysis over tree structures has drawn much attention in recent years. Ph. Flajolet made the complexity analysis for recursive descent alg
It was first proposed by Oster in 1956 that polyethylene could be crosslinked with ultraviolet fight in the presence of some photosensitizers. But the photocros
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As we all know, the properties of ring are determined by its right unital modules category. Sometimes we only want to know the properties of a certain module. S