1966年“文化大革命”开始后,许多老一辈革命家祁老将军不断被打倒。这些人当中,有的在被“改造”和“下放”过程中,由于发病没有得到及时的治疗而含冤死去;有的被残酷地迫害致死;有的正在受着身心方面的折磨。这种情况到了“文化大革命”中期,特别是林彪反革命集团被粉碎后,在毛泽东的关心和周恩来的努力下,在一定程度上得到了改善。1972年1月陈毅元帅逝世后,在不长时间内有175位将军相继得到平反。 毛泽东紧紧握住张茜的手说:“我也要来悼念陈毅同志!陈毅同志是一个好人,是一个好同志。”毛泽东
After the “Cultural Revolution” of 1966 began, many older revolutionaries, including General Qi Lao, were continuously beaten down. Some of these people were unjustly deceased in the process of being “rehabilitated” and “decentralized” because of their lack of timely treatment. Some were persecuted and cruelly killed; others were suffering physical and psychological suffering. After this situation reached the middle stage of the “Cultural Revolution”, especially after the “Biao Bian” counter-revolutionary group was smashed down, with the care of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai’s efforts, it was improved to some extent. After the death of Marshal Chen Yi in January 1972, there were 175 generals who had been vindicated in a short time. Mao Zedong firmly hold Zhang Qian’s hand and said: “I have to pay tribute to Comrade Chen Yi! Comrade Chen Yi is a good man and a good comrade.” Mao Zedong