磷酸三钠渣——通称为三钠渣,是化工厂用磷矿粉和硫酸,经化工处理后,生产磷酸三钠的副产品。据黑龙江省农业科学院土肥所分析结果,磷酸三纳渣主要成分是硫酸钙,井含有3—5%的磷酸和少量的游离酸,呈酸性反应,pH4.5—5.5。据黑龙江省肇东县农业局统计,该县在1962年开始试用,至1964年就施用了13,200 多吨,施用面积达31万余亩,主要施用在苏打盐渍化土壤上。玉米、谷子、高粱、小麦、甜菜、大豆、土豆(马铃薯)等作物,施用磷酸三钠渣,均能获得良好的增产效果;每亩施用磷酸三钠渣80—100斤,一般作物能够增产30—40%。
Trisodium phosphate slag - commonly known as the three sodium slag, is used in chemical plants phosphate rock and sulfuric acid, after chemical treatment, the production of trisodium phosphate by-product. According to the analysis results of soil and fertilizer of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the main component of three phosphate slag is calcium sulfate, well contains 3-5% phosphoric acid and a small amount of free acid, acidic reaction, pH 4.5-5.5. According to statistics from Zhaodong County Bureau of Agriculture in Heilongjiang Province, the county started trial operation in 1962 and applied 13,200 tons by 1964 with an applied area of more than 310,000 mu and was mainly applied to soda saline soil. Corn, millet, sorghum, wheat, sugar beet, soybean, potatoes (potato) and other crops, application of trisodium phosphate slag, can achieve good yield; 80-100 kg of phosphate trisodium phosphate per mu, the general crop can increase 30 -40%.