秋夜,为使命而战 江苏通州“10.15”液化气泄漏抢险记录

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险情突现惊破夜空 通吕公路是连接江苏南通市区和启东吕四港的一条交通要道,如东和启东沿海乡镇的许多海产品大部分由这条路运往南通,再转向其他省市。2002年10月15日晚上,通吕路上的车辆络绎不绝,公路两边的村民们在家中享受着天伦之乐。然而他们不知道,一场险情正向他们逼近。 通州中信石油燃气有限公司储备站,位于通吕公路南侧,向西不到2公里就是通州东大批发市场,储气站内共有5个80立方米的液化石油气储罐,其中4、5号罐储气量大约有50吨。当晚9时左右,液化气站准备将4号罐内的液化石油气倒到5号罐内,安全管理员在检查了空压机的阀门和油温油压后,开始启动机器进行倒罐。运行10分钟左右,站长和另一名工人进入到罐区检查5号罐液位计液位变化情况。 5分钟过后,他们再来罐区检查,发现这时的液位与以前检查的液位数字一样,感到可能出现倒液问题了。正在这时,从压缩机房传来猛烈的金属撞击声,安管员马上叫另一名工人关闭 Suddenly broke the night sky Lv Lu highway is connected to the urban areas of Nantong, Jiangsu and Qidong Lu Sikang a major thoroughfare, Rudong and Qidong coastal towns and most of the seafood shipped to Nantong by the road, and then turned to other provinces and cities. On the night of October 15, 2002, vehicles on Tongluo Road streamed incessantly, and villagers on both sides of the road enjoyed their grandchildren ’s happiness at home. However, they do not know that a danger is approaching them. Tongzhou CITIC Petroleum Gas Co., Ltd. reserve station, located on the south side of Tonglu Highway, Tongzhou East is less than 2 km wholesale market, a total of five 80 cubic meters of liquid gas storage tanks, of which 4, 5 Tank storage capacity of about 50 tons. At about 9 o’clock that night, the liquefied gas station was ready to pour liquefied petroleum gas from tank # 4 into tank # 5. After checking the pressure of the air compressor and the oil temperature, the safety manager started to start the machine for pouring. Run for about 10 minutes, the stationmaster and another worker into the tank area to check the tank level gauge 5 changes. After 5 minutes, they again came to the tank farm inspection and found that the liquid level at this time was the same as that of the previous inspection and it was possible that there was a problem of liquid pouring. At this moment, a violent metal crash came from the compressor room. An officer immediately called another worker to shut down
国家安全生产监督管理局办公室发文 ,为配合将于今年 6月开展的“全国安全生产月”活动 ,增强与培育大众的安全文化水平 ,提高安全防范意识 ,促进安全生产状况稳定好转 ,国家
汽饰不但使泵的性能下降,而且使泵的寿命缩短,为了使泵能正常工作,延长其使用寿命,因此,在使用泵的过程中要避免汽饰现象发生。 Decorations not only make the performance
在全国前十名汽车整车生产厂中,哈飞汽车 是目前惟一没有合资的企业。作为国内第一家与 国际知名设计公司联合开发的汽车企业,早在 1996年,哈飞汽车就迈出了自主开发的第一步
美国专利US6950635 (2005年9月27日授权) 当一位摩托车乘客戴上头盔时,其听力就会受到一 定程度的影响。于是,有人便提出了在车体与头盔之间 U.S. Patent No. 6,950,635 (is
近年来,随着市场经济的发展,各种形式各种规模的集贸市场迅猛增多、扩大。但是,由于一些市场在建设过程中未落实消防措施,后续消防管理薄弱,火灾隐患较多,动辄诱发火灾。 一、集