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心理学研究表明,良好的写作心态是写好作文的重要条件。由于优生作文水平较高,受表扬较多,加之他们的认识能力有限,自控能力较弱因而易出现一些不良的写作心态,影响其写作水平的不断提高。 一、自负心态 由于智力、基础等方面的优势,优生写作一般较为须利,且多能取得理想的成绩,同学的羡慕、师长的夸奖,往往使其自满自负,自认为聪明能写,是天生作文的料子。于是面对自己作文的高分久久欣赏,面对其他学生的作文不屑一顾;面对他人的赞誉洋洋自得,面对老师的指点心不在焉。长此以往,其写作水平则会原地踏步。如何防止和纠正优生的自负心态呢?首先是精选表扬点。优生作文,可表扬的方面较多,而过多 Psychological research shows that a good writing mentality is an important condition for writing good compositions. Due to the high level of essay writing and praise, coupled with their limited ability to understand, their self-control ability is weak and they are prone to some bad writing mentality, which will affect the continuous improvement of their writing skills. First, the self-empowered mentality Because of the advantages of intelligence, basics, and other aspects, eugenics writing is generally more profitable, and many can achieve ideal results. The envy of the students and the compliments of the teachers often make them complacent. They think that being smart can write. Composition material. Therefore, in the face of high scores for his own composition, he enjoys a long time and is dismissive of other students’ essays. In the face of other people’s compliments, he is not content with the teachers’ instructions. In the long run, the level of writing will remain the same. How to prevent and correct the ego conceited mentality? First of all, it is a selection of praise points. You have more essay, more praise, and more
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三角形和四边形之间的关系非常密切,熟练地掌握它们之间的联系对四边形的学习无疑是十分有益的. The relationship between triangles and quadrilaterals is very close. M
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模仿互联网思维,红色思想治企,对待员工比胖东来还要胖东来,这就是东北大板营销走红背后的三板斧。  快消品界出现了一个新名词:大板现象。一个此前默默无闻二十多年的红宝石公司,推出了一款包装平淡无奇的东北大板冰淇淋,席卷了中国大街小巷,火遍了互联网圈边边角角。  红宝石公司凭什么?东北大板凭什么?  带着疑问,我们拜访了东北大板诸多代理商及销售前线,试图找到其中尚不为人知的“三板斧”。  一板斧:互联