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第二次世界大战结束,至今已经半个多世纪。以华沙条约解散、东西德统一和苏联解体为标志,冷战时代的终结也已十年。半个多世纪以来,特别是近一二十年来,科技革命的浪潮汹涌澎湃,经济全球化的势头锐不可挡,世界各国各地区的相互联系日益紧密。人类在经济和社会发展的各个领域创造出许许多多的新业绩、新成就。然而,各国各地区的经济发展很不平衡。以美国为主要代表的发达资本主义国家。利用它们在人才、技术、资本等各个领域拥有的巨大优势,垄断并操纵国际经贸组织和金融机构,变本加厉地对发展中国家进行巧取豪夺。结果,在人类历史上这段前所未有的飞速发展时期。发展中国家与发达国家之间在经济和社会发展不平衡方面存在的 The end of World War II, it has been more than half a century. With the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, the reunification of East Germany, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the end of the Cold War era has also been ten years. For more than half a century, especially in the past one or two decades, the tide of scientific and technological revolution has been surging and the momentum of economic globalization has been unstoppable. The interconnection between various countries and regions in the world has become increasingly closer. Humans have created many new achievements and new achievements in various fields of economic and social development. However, the economic development in various regions and regions is very uneven. The developed capitalist countries, mainly represented by the United States. Take advantage of their huge advantages in various fields such as personnel, technology and capital to monopolize and control international economic and trade organizations and financial institutions and intensify their exploitation of the developing countries. As a result, this unprecedented period of rapid development in human history. Developing countries and developed countries exist in the imbalance of economic and social development
滔滔长江,在江苏流入大海。 而地处中国东部沿海地区的江苏.富饶的土地又使其成为“鱼米之乡”。同时,旖旎的风光和6000多年丰厚的历史文化底蕴,使江苏成为令人向往的地方。 中国实行
红宝石和蓝宝石是各珠宝店中彩色宝石的销售大头,选购时应从哪些方面入手呢? 据珠宝玉石专家介绍,同等质量的红、蓝宝石,当然是越大越好,但同等大小的则以颜色分等。观察红
本文对双辽市职业中专通过“过五关”教育,全面建立创业文化教育体系的做法进行了探讨。 This article discusses the practice of setting up a culture education system
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