有位酷爱文学的朋友告诉我,在当今林林总总的书报期刊中,惟他情有独钟的是《警察天地》。 这不是一种刻意推崇。 《警察天地》自1989年3月创刊以来,踩着改革的鼓点,坚持正确的舆论导向,以案释法、以法育人,扬警察雄风,树天地正气,以令人耳目一新的姿态走进了大众的视野,成为沟通警民关系的桥梁和向群众宣讲法律的阵地。它像战旗,以饱满的政治热情和高度的历史责任感,将江西省公安战线无数默默奉献的英雄推上了前台,使之成为催人奋进的火炬;它如
A friend who loves literature has told me that in his current periodicals and journals, he has a special liking for “police world.” This is not a deliberate promotion. Since its publication in March 1989, Police World has been stepping on the drumstick of reforms, adhering to the correct direction of public opinion, taking the case interpretation as the example, educating people, promoting the vigilance of the police, and uprightness in the tree of the world, with a refreshing gesture The vision of the general public has become a bridge to communicate the relationship between the police and the people and a place where the law is preached to the masses. Like a banner of war, with full political enthusiasm and a high sense of historical responsibility, it has pushed countless silently dedicated heroes of the public security front in Jiangxi Province into the foreground and made it a brutal torch;