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7月份以来,市司法局根据我市“三改一拆”三年行动计划,扎实开展“三改一拆”行动专项法律服务活动,保障“三改一拆”工作依法有序推进。其中,律师解答群众关于“三改一拆”法律咨询857人次,参与决策和规范性文件制定1件(累计16件),提供法律意见91条,办理公证96件,引导群众主动参与拆违工作;开展有关矛盾纠纷大排查519次,调处纠纷954件;发放“三改一拆”宣传资料9217册,举办专题法律讲座、送法下乡和文艺演出75场次、制作和播放公益宣传片14个,积极营造拆违氛围。 Since July, the Municipal Judicial Bureau has been carrying out the special legal service activities of “three changes, one disassembly” and “three changes and one dismantling” according to the three-year action plan of “ Orderly advance. Among them, the lawyers answered 857 people’s opinions on ”three reforms and one dismantling“ legal advice, one decision-making and normative document creation (16 in total), provided 91 legal opinions, handled 96 notaries and led the masses to take the initiative to participate in the demolition Disputes over the work; to carry out a large investigation of conflicts and disputes 519 times, 954 cases of mediation disputes; release of ”three to a split" promotional materials 9217, held seminars on law, sent to the countryside and theatrical performances 75 games, making and playing public 14 commercials, and actively create a dismantling atmosphere.
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