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一、巢虫对蜜蜂为害情况:巢虫是中蜂的一种主要害虫,是当前发展养蜂生产的大敌。多年来,广大山区养蜂农民,沿用旧法饲养,对于发展养蜂生产,听其自然,让其自生自灭,不防治病虫,取蜜一把火,每年造成大批蜂群飞逃和死亡,严重的阻碍养蜂生产的发展。欧洲蜜蜂虽抗巢虫力较强,但在粗放管理的情况下,亦遭严重威胁和巨大损失。八月正是蜡蛾繁殖的旺盛季节,巢 First, the nest insects damage to the bees: nest insects is a major pest in the bees, is the current development of bee-eaters the enemy. Over the years, bee-keeping farmers in the vast mountainous areas have relied on the old law to feed their bee-keeping. For the development of bee-keeping production, listening to its natural causes, letting itself survive, preventing pests and diseases, taking a honey and causing a large number of flying bees to flee and die each year. Hinder the development of beekeeping production. Although European honeybees strong resistance to nesting, but in the case of extensive management, has also been a serious threat and huge losses. August is the season of wax moth breeding, nests
Hegel once said: Music is an art of mood that focuses directly on the emotions.To become acquainted with a place or a people,we may begin by getting to know its
在河北坝上高寒地区农作物苗期,地老虎历年发生,为害猖獗。发生主要种有:小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)、黄地老虎Euxoa Segetum(Scniff-ermüller)、宽翅地老虎Naen
对具有灭蚊效果的链霉菌No.7180进行了形态、培养特征和生理生化特性的研究,认为与已知的近似种都不相同,是一个新种,定名为灭蚊链霉菌(Streptomyces culicidicus Yan et al.
10月的上海,人流如织。在滚滚的人流中,有一队人马,是为了参加“世博之旅海伦杯2010年上海国际青少年钢琴大赛”而来。成为金秋十月,申城黄浦江边一道靓丽的风景。 Shanghai
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