Optimization of Safety Production Supervision Mode of Coalmining Enterprises

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ling401
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In view of the fact that safety production supervision of coal mines in China features low efficacy, this paper applies principles of cybernetics to simulate the dynamic process of safety supervision, and proposes that institutional variables be controlled to support intermediate goals, which in turn contribute to the ultimate safety production objective. Rather than focusing all attention on safety issues of working faces, supervising departments of coalmines are advised to pay much more attention to institutional factors that may impact people’s attitude and behavior, which are responsible for most coalmine accidents. It is believed that such a shift of attention can effectively reduce coalmining production accidents and greatly enhance supervision efficacy. In view of the fact that safety production supervision of coal mines in China features low efficacy, this paper applies principles of cybernetics to simulate the dynamic process of safety supervision, and of that institutional variables be controlled to support intermediate goals, which in turn contribute to the ultimate safety production objective. Rather than focusing all attention on safety issues of working faces, supervising departments of coalmines are advised to pay more more attention to institutional factors that may impact people’s attitude and behavior, which are responsible for most coalmine accidents. It is believe that such a shift of attention can effectively reduce coalmining production accidents and greatly enhance supervision efficacy.
通过新闻采编的数据的时空特性,利用时空编码理论,提出了一种编码方案,对海量的非结构化数据进行管理,以达到解决海量非结构化的新闻采编数据的管理问题的目的。 Based on t
内容摘要:作为东西方著名的哲学家和教育学家,孔子和柏拉图提出了自己心目中适合社会发展的理性教育理念。本文通过分析二者对教育对象、教育目的和教学内容的不同观点,探讨适合当今时代的德育思想,为现世的教学模式提供参考依据。   关键词:教育 柏拉图 孔子 教学差异  一.概述  柏拉图十分看重教育对理想城邦建设的作用,认为对公民进行教育的意义在于培养正义的公民,推进整个城邦的正义统治,从而建立理想国。其