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  陈榕 译
  The first point to which attention should be called is that the comic does not exist outside the pale of what is strictly HUMAN. A landscape may be beautiful, charming and sublime, or insignificant and ugly; it will never be laughable. You may laugh at an animal, but only because you have detected in it some human attitude or expression.
Freda's snuggery was aglow with the rose-red splendour of an open fire which was triumphantly warding off the stealthy approaches of the dull grey autumn twilight.Roger St. Clair stretched himself out
I've just returned from Oxford, England, where everything is twice as expensive as it, is here, where the weather is crappy and most of the food tastes like boiled cardboard. That said, I still want t
Under normal conditions, I would not stand under the fuselage of a cargo plane the size of the Holland Tunnel,my face planted just inches'from a small vent bearing the label: "Warning. High powered ho
本期的kat's eye添了新面孔!Kat邀请她的伙伴Shirley共同撰文。Shirley是一位来自武汉的大学生,也是ELL的老读者。利用Google Docs这一新网络技术,Kat和Shirley“跨越”太平洋,探讨成长过程中的困惑、快乐和感想。希望通过这个栏目,每一位读者都能走人她们的世界,分享她们的点滴。
Walt Whitman observed that a person's last words are not samples of the best, involving vitality at its full,and perfect control, but "they are valuable beyond measure to confirm and endorse the varie
埃德加·戴尔(1900-1985)出生于美国明尼苏达州的本森。他曾经就读于北达科他大学,先后获得本科和硕士学位,后就读于芝加哥大学,1928年获得博士学位,1929至1970年间,戴尔一直在俄亥俄大学教育学系任教。戴尔是美国著名的教育学家,早在20世纪40年代,他便开始积极倡导在教育中广泛使用视听材料,合理利用多媒体手段。戴尔对教育学的主要贡献是提出了“经验之塔”理论(cone of experi
Facebook, the Web's most popular social networking site, has been caught in a content-rights battle after revealing earlier that it was granting itself permanent rights to users' photos, wall posts an
On his deathbed, they say, Leonardo da Vinci regretted that he had left so much unfinished.
I do not have any family members who are afflicted with AIDS. I do not know anyone in my immediate circle who suffers from this transnational epidemic. In essence,for a very long time, HIV/AIDS was an