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中国第一颗人造卫星上天,一眨眼已过去了26年。26年在历史的长河里完全可以忽略不计,但对年轻的中国航天事业而言,却是重要而不可忽视的。迄今为止,中国已先后成功地发射了38颗各种类型的卫星。显然,每上天一颗卫星,就意味着中华民族向天空又走近了一步;而每一颗卫星的上天,无不渗透了中国航天人的智慧与血汗!无疑,这是中国科技文明史上极其辉煌而又悲壮的一页,也是人类科技文明史上不可或缺的一页;它既是炎黄子孙的骄傲,更是中华民族伟大的飞跃!著名青年作家李鸣生写的《走出地球村——中国第一颗人造卫星发射纪实》,是他“航天三部曲”中继《飞向太空港》、《澳星风险发射》后的第三部长篇纪实报告文学。这部作品主要围绕中国第一颗人造卫星发射前后十二年的风雨历程,写了中国一代知识分子在国际间高科技激烈竞争,国内一系列极左政治运动中“戴着镣铐跳舞”的困境,我国航天业在夹缝中求生存、举步维艰的状况。由于作品牵涉到许多国际国内航天史中的重大事件和历史人物,因而具有厚重的历史感和耐人寻味的内涵,值得一读!在这金钱物质遍地叮当、科技文明满天飞扬的今天,让我们心平气和地坐下来翻阅一下这段历史,或许是一件非同寻常而又颇有意味的事情。 China’s first satellite, God, has blink of an eye for 26 years. In the long history of 26 years, it can be completely neglected. However, it is an important and can not be ignored for the young China’s space industry. To date, China has successfully launched 38 satellites of various types. Obviously, for every single satellite in the sky, it means that the Chinese nation has taken a step closer to the sky. Every one of the heavenly satellites has infiltrated the wisdom and blood and sweat of the Chinese space people! Undoubtedly, this is an extremely brilliant history of science and technology in China The tragic page is also an indispensable page in the history of human civilization of science and technology. It is both a pride of the Chinese people and a great leap forward for the Chinese nation. Written by Li Mingsheng, a famous young writer, “Out of the Global Village - China’s First Man- Satellite launch documentary ”, is his “ space trilogy ”relay“ flying to the spaceport ”,“ Australian satellite risk launch ”after the third minister documentary reportage. The work mainly focuses on the stormy history of the first 12 years after China’s first satellite was launched. It wrote the first generation of Chinese intellectuals in fierce competition in the international high-tech field. In a series of far-left political movements in China, “wearing shackles and dancing” The plight of China’s space industry in the cracks survive, difficult situation. Because the work involves many important events and historical figures in the history of international and domestic spaceflight, it is worth reading because of its profound historical sense and thought-provoking connotation. Nowadays, when the money-stuffs are jingling everywhere and science and technology are full of space, let us calmly Sit down and read through this history, perhaps something unusual and quite interesting.
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