脑卒中后常发生情感障碍。近年来已有大量文献表明,抑郁、焦燥和躁狂是脑卒中的后遗症。左半球损伤常发生抑郁症,而右侧半球受损常发生躁狂。灾难性反应(catastrophic)是一种罕见的、不间断的情绪暴发,仅见于左半球损伤和失语的患者。作者对1例灾难性反应患者进行报道和讨论。 资料与方法 病人为1名75岁的退休汽车商,有失语和右侧偏瘫。脑部CT扫描显示左半球有一个大的低密度区域。受累区域包括额叶和顶叶区域及相应的皮质下区域。入院后很快转入康复科。当时
Stroke often occurs after the affective disorder. In recent years, a large body of literature has shown that depression, anxiety and mania are the consequences of stroke. Depression occurs in the left hemisphere, and mania often occurs in the right hemisphere. Catastrophic is a rare, uninterrupted outbreak of emotion found only in patients with left-sided lesions and aphasia. The authors report and discuss a case of catastrophic response. Materials and Methods The patient was a 75-year-old retired auto dealer with aphasia and right hemiplegia. Brain CT scans show a large low-density area in the left hemisphere. The affected areas include the frontal and parietal regions and the corresponding subcortical regions. After admission to rehabilitation department soon. then