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当前,我国现代城市住宅的建设如雨后春笋一般。如何搞好住宅的室内设计成了千家万户关心的问题。不同类型住宅单元的设计是进一步进行室内设计的基础,不同单元的房间组成、各房间的相对位置、面积和细部尺寸、门窗位置、大小等对房间的内部布置有很大影响,也直接关系到室内设计的效果。住宅单元的建筑设计,首先应对当前社会的人口、家庭组成和居民对居住环境的不同要求等进行深入研究,同时应对住户的消费状况和心理趋向进行调查,在进行具体的室内设计时应有建筑师参与,严格地说,应根据住户的意愿由住户投资,进行设计和实施。当代高质量住宅单元设计不单纯在于面积的扩大,重要的是保证设计质量,在建筑平面设计中就反映出功能分区的特点,空间设计应达到一定深度,为以后的设备安装和达到环境的美学要求创造条件。在当代住宅建设中,任何修建得很好的住宅都还不是一种完善的居住环境,只有由专业设计人员在建筑设计基本条件下进行居住环境的进一步处理,才能体现住宅环境设计的最终成果。“交大花园”住宅室内设计竞赛是国内首创由房地产开发企业主办的一次竞赛活动,引起了住宅设计、建设等各方面的关注,它将推动当前城市住宅居住环境研究的全面发展。 At present, the construction of modern urban residences in our country is springing up. How to do a good job in residential interior design has become a concern for millions of households. The design of different types of residential units is the basis for further interior design. The room composition of different units, the relative position of each room, area and detailed dimensions, the position of doors and windows, and size have a great influence on the interior layout of the room and are directly related to The effect of interior design. The architectural design of residential units should firstly conduct in-depth research on the current society’s population, family composition, and residents’ different demands on the living environment. At the same time, they should investigate the consumption situation and psychological trends of residents, and should have a construction when carrying out specific interior design. The teacher is involved. Strictly speaking, the household should invest in the design and implementation according to the wishes of the household. The design of contemporary high-quality residential units is not based solely on the expansion of the area. It is important to ensure the quality of the design. The features of the functional zoning are reflected in the architectural graphic design. The space design should reach a certain depth, and the future equipment installation and aesthetics of the environment should be achieved. Requirements to create conditions. In the contemporary housing construction, any well-constructed dwellings are not a perfect living environment. Only the professional designers can further deal with the living environment under the basic conditions of architectural design to reflect the final results of the dwelling environment design. The “Jiaoda Garden” residential interior design competition is the first domestic competition organized by a real estate development company. It has attracted attention in various aspects such as residential design and construction, and it will promote the overall development of urban residential living environment research.
有一位农民,他本来像其他农民一样,每天太阳出来就早起工作,一直到太阳下山才回家,勤奋地过着日子。  一天,当他想在第二天砍掉附近森林的一部分树,以拓展自家农田的面积时,没想到,当天夜里,狂风大作,他准备砍掉的树倒了大半,他不但不用花大力气伐木,还因为把倒下的树卖掉而大赚了一笔。  “真是奇迹呀!”这位农民回家和老婆这么说。  过了一阵子,他觉得灌溉用水不够了,准备第二天去邻近的小河挖一条渠,引水到
2011年12月12日晚,在中央电视台星光大道节目现场,一位容貌清秀、始终微笑着以自信的面貌面对观众的土家族姑娘,先以一曲《月亮花花开》和一曲桑植民歌《四季花儿歌》,赢得观众的掌声,后又以一段高难度的大鼓上的舞蹈技惊四座,让评委刮目相看,最后,她的一曲《孝顺父母》竟唱得台下观众泪流满面。最终,她超越梦想成功,成为当晚星光大道的周冠军。  她,就是来自湖南张家界的21岁盲人女孩儿——刘赛。  刘赛四
我们知道,万事万物都有一个出现、发展或发育、消亡的过程。那么,我们身处的宇宙会不会遵守这样的自然规律呢?3位2011年诺贝尔物理学奖得主的获奖成果告诉我们,宇宙也处在一个“生长发育”的过程中,其表现形式是加速膨胀,最终,宇宙也将在一片冰冷之中逐渐走向死亡。3位诺贝尔物理学奖得主分别是美国科学家索尔·珀尔马特、澳大利亚科学家布赖恩·施密特和美国科学家亚当·里斯。  宇宙正在加速成长  在大约150亿