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东阳素有“百工之乡”、“建筑之乡”、“教育之乡”之美誉。改革开放以来,东阳经济持续快速发展,综合实力显著增强,对外开放步伐不断加快,基础设施日起完善,城乡面貌大为改观,人民生活水平已由温饱迈向小康,精神文明建设硕果累累,社会各项事业协调发展。近年来,按照“稳定一产、主攻二产、兴办三产”的经济发展总体思路,全面实施“主攻二产、兴工强市”经济发展战略,扬起了二次创业的风帆。全市已初步形成了医药化工、针织服装、机电电子、工艺美术、建筑建材等几大支柱行业,涌现出横店集团等一批规模企业。 Dongyang known as “hundred worktown”, “hometown of architecture”, “hometown of education” in the world. Since the reform and opening up, the economy of Dongyang has maintained a sustained and rapid economic growth. The comprehensive strength has been significantly enhanced. The pace of opening up to the outside world has been accelerating. Infrastructure has been improved from the day when the urban and rural areas are greatly improved. The standard of living of the people has become well-to- The coordinated development of various undertakings. In recent years, in line with the overall economic development concept of “stabilizing one production, focusing on the second production and establishing three production”, the full implementation of the economic development strategy of “focusing on the secondary industry and building a prosperous and strong city” has given rise to the sailing of the second undertaking. The city has initially formed a number of pharmaceutical, chemical, knitwear, electromechanical electronics, arts and crafts, building materials and other pillar industries, the emergence of a number of enterprises such as Hengdian Group.
文章以赫哲族民歌为基础,研究和探索了赫哲族的合唱艺术,并以《乌苏里船歌》为例加以说明,同时对赫哲族合唱作品的未来抱有更大希望。 Based on the Hezhe folk songs, the
Ford Motor,for the first time,displayed its globalproducts at the 8th Beijing Intemational Motor Show on June8 with its new generation Focus concept car making
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经观察发现UR可见于正常成人与各种疾病,其中以尿路感染、血尿等尤为多见,在统计学上有显著差异,但与某些疾病是因果关系和/或并存关系有待进一步探讨。 It is observed tha
近年来新生儿破伤风有增加趋势,死亡率高,我院子1985年起,试用大剂量鲁米那钠加安定静脉滴入,治疗住院病儿52例,疗效满意,现报告如下: 临床资料治疗组52例,男36例,女16例,平