Study on Microstructure and Performance of Advanced Bush Strip

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangzi_li
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The method of liquid-solid roll-bonding to produce bush material was described and used for producing a new bush material AlSn8Si2.5Pb2Cu0.8Cr0.2.The results show that the aluminum alloy solidifies so fast during the process of liquid-solid roll-bonding that the microstructure of alloy is made up of fine dendrite.The distributions of tin,silicon,lead,copper and chromium are uniform and dispersive,and the diffusion layer between aluminum alloy and steel is jagged.The stripped surface of steel is accompanied with matrix aluminum alloy,and the bonding strength of the interface between steel and aluminum alloy is near the strength of the matrix aluminum alloy. The method of liquid-solid roll-bonding to produce bush material was described and used for producing a new bush material AlSn8Si2.5Pb2Cu0.8Cr0.2.The results show that the aluminum alloy solidifies so fast during the process of liquid-solid roll- bonding that the microstructure of alloy is made up of fine dendrite.The distributions of tin, silicon, lead, copper and chromium are uniform and dispersive, and the diffusion layer between aluminum alloy and steel is jagged.The stripped surface of steel is accompanied with matrix aluminum alloy, and the bonding strength of the interface between steel and aluminum alloy is near the strength of the matrix aluminum alloy.
老婆跟我结婚三十余年了,可以说,在生活上一切她都跟我安排好了。离开老婆,我就不知道怎么生活,就像断了线的风筝,在空中摇摇晃晃,随时都有可能坠落到阴沟里。倘若老婆离开几天,我就心慌慌的,坐立不安,不知所措,生活不能自理,我想我是患了“老婆依赖症”。  每隔几天,老婆就会说:“该洗澡了”,并且将换洗的衣服拿到我手上,倘若老婆一时花了眼,给我拿的是女人的花布衩,我也会照穿不误。每隔半个月,老婆就会拿出指
目的 探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)及其受体Fit-1及KDR在喉鳞癌生长、转移过程中的作用及机制.方法 采用Western-blotting法和RT-PCR法检测20例喉鳞癌组织及18例癌旁组织中VEGF、Fit-1及KDR的蛋白和mRNA的表达水平.结果 VEGF、Fit-1及KDR蛋白和mRNA在喉鳞癌组织中的表达分别为4.32±2.21、2.00±0.91,1.20±0.55、0.29±
The strain-induced ferrite formed under different conditions was observed with SEM and optical microscope.The nucleation sites of strain-induced ferrite include
每每走在城市的街头,看到路边小摊上叫卖烤山芋,我就想起母亲栽种的山芋、闻到悠悠的山芋香。  母亲筑的垄子一溜儿齐,如村姑浣衣的搓衣板。烈日下,几瓢水洒过,蔫拉的山芋藤一寸寸,一尺尺,匍匐着,纠缠着,像章鱼的触须,像虬结的树根,慢慢地覆盖了皴裂而贫瘠的褐土地。  母亲总给山芋打藤,利于通风,将来才能结大山芋。打下的山芋藤,用篮子背回家,甩进猪圈,几头猪一拥而上,争相嚼食,哼哼哧哧的,嘴角绿汁四溢。这
The netlike eutectic carbide in twin-roll casting strip of W9Cr4V2 was dissolved and broken up gradually with increasing heating temperature during annealing tr