The interaction between hyaluronidase and hyaluronic acid gel fillers - a review of the literature a

来源 :整形与美容研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjp4057
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Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most common component of aesthetic fillers. Many formulations exist, each exhibiting properties that are manifestations of individual molecular modifications. The enzyme hyaluronidase degrades hyaluronic acid and can therefore be injected into soft tissue to reduce suboptimally placed HA fillers or to reverse local ischemic complications. The clinically available varieties of hyaluronidase may be derived from crude animal extracts or genetically engineered from recombinant human DNA. Different HA fillers are not uniformly dissolved by a single source hyaluronidase, and hyaluronidase from different sources may have varying efficacy in the degradation of HA. Previous studies of subsets of HA fillers and hyaluronidases have provided limited and often conflicting data regarding these differences, and a more comprehensive scientific study is needed. In this review, the authors describe commonly available formulations of HA and hyaluronidase and review all studies of HA-hyaluronidase interaction available via a PubMed and Google Scholar search from 2005 to present, exploring trends in the data. Factors determined to confer increased resistance to degradation included higher concentration of HA, higher crosslinking density, and status as monophasic versus biphasic. Fillers of the Juvéderm family were generally found to be more resistant to degradation than members of the Restylane family. Results are less consistent for Belotero Balance. No variety of hyaluronidase was consistently superior at dissolving any variety of HA filler. More research is needed to clarify these clinically relevant relationships.
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【摘要】传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展是传媒领域一场重大而深刻的变革。以强化互联网思维引领新老媒体融合发展为根本着眼点;以新老媒体优势互补、一体发展,先进技术、优质内容比翼齐飞为融合发展的着重点;以相关体制机制保障配套跟进为融合发展的着力点,就能有力推进我国现代传播媒体提升竞争力、传播力、公信力、影响力。  【关键词】新老媒体;融合发展;路径;思考  中图分类号:G241 文献标识码
【摘要】随着信息技术的不断发展和传统媒体的不断融合,打破了我们传统认知媒体的界限。短视频内容正逐渐占据着新媒体表现内容的制高点。据相关调查数据表明显示,我国短视频用户占网民总数的85.6%,共为7.73亿。短视频逐在内容生态、行业布局、商业变现、平台升级等方面收获颇丰,并取得显著进展。  【关键词】媒体融合;短视频;发展态势  中图分类号:G241 文献标识码:A
【摘要】在电视新闻中,通联合作是非常重要的一种报道形式,通过通联合作能够有效加强各媒体间、媒体与社会间的紧密联系,对于媒体视野的深度与广度有着积极的延伸作用。省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作看似简单,其实专业度非常高。本文结合通联合作的写作原则,对电视新闻中省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作做出研究,以便推动电视新闻工作进步。  【关键词】电视新闻;省级媒体;各地市台;通联合作  中图分类号:G241
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