
来源 :中华人民共和国卫生部公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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2011年2月(2011年2月1日零时至2月28日24时),全国(不含台港澳,下同)共报告法定传染病321900例,死亡848人。其中,甲类传染病无发病、死亡病例报告。乙类传染病中除传染性非典型肺炎、脊髓灰质炎、人感染高致病性禽流感和白喉无发病、死亡病例报告外,其余22种传染病共报告发病250828例,死亡843人;报告发病 In February 2011 (from 0:00 on February 1, 2011 to 24:00 on February 28, 2011), a total of 321,900 cases of notifiable infectious diseases were reported across the country (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao), with 848 deaths. Among them, Class A infectious disease without disease, the death of the case report. In addition to the reported cases of SARS, poliomyelitis, human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza and diphtheria, and the deaths of type B infectious diseases, a total of 250828 cases of infectious diseases were reported and 843 persons died; the report Disease
The productivity of Robinia pseudoacacia(R.p.) pure forest usually declines at the late growth stage,and reforming it into mixed forests could be a promising wa
摘要 紫砂光货有自己独特的艺术语言,采用反映紫砂真实面貌的质朴材质,用简洁的形式来表达思想和美感,把作者的情感注入到形体之中,以体现作者的修养。紫砂光货是中华民族传统精神的一种承袭,一种审美观念的体现,一种紫砂本质的正宗与精神所在。  关键词 茄段壶;紫砂;自然风光  紫砂陶是无釉陶,紫砂泥是陶土中的精品,紫砂光货之所以受到世人青睐,很大原因在于它以紫砂泥为原料。紫砂光货采用了独特的成型工艺,一出
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Temperature and freeze-thaw events are two key factors controlling litter decomposition in cold biomes.Predicted global warming and changes in freeze-thaw cycle
Simple sequence repeats(SSRs) defined as sequence repeat units between 1 and 6 bp occur abundantly in both coding and non-coding regions in eukaryotic genomes a