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脚踏着这方广袤的土地,看浮云生根,青山侧目,总有一股力量澎湃心胸,总有一种声音震撼天宇,奔腾不息的长江水在此撒下纵情的欢歌,流光溢彩的化工城留下了熠熠足迹。1966年7月31日11时7分,这个时刻,对于泸天化、对于中国尿素工业来说具有里程碑的意义。我国首次成套进口的年产16万吨尿素生产装置,生产出第一批尿素,填补了中国化肥工业的一项空白。四十载悠悠岁月,四十年铮铮历程,历久弥新的生产装置轰鸣依旧。截至今年7月,共生产出尿素5293372吨,为泸天化的发展做出了卓越的贡献。峥嵘岁月载青史手捧着这部沉句句的历史,往事总萦绕于脑际挥之不去。回首前辈留下的一串串脚印,正是一个个催人奋进的音符。1960年,当沉寂的大地被拓荒的车轮声惊醒,一群来自祖国四面八方的年轻人汇聚在了纳溪这个长江之滨的川南小镇,浩浩荡荡的建设大军吹响了泸天化艰苦创业的号角。在党中央、国务院的运筹帷幄中,在朱德、邓小平等中央领导人的亲自关注下,西欧国家先进的化肥生产设备飘洋过海来到了泸天化。没有资料、没有经验,没有办公室、没有操作台……尚连温饱都没有完全解决的创业者面临着诸多意想不到的困难。筚路蓝缕、风餐露宿,凭着“为社会主义祖国争光、为中固工人阶级争气,绝不给中国人丢脸”的一腔热血,凭着冲破美国、苏联的经济封锁,开拓我国天然气化学工业的满腹豪情,他们将风华正茂写在了泸天化艰苦创业的历史上。1965年年初,以土建为主的尿素首期主体工程建设开始实施。仅仅一年时间,一座39米高的造粒塔拔地而起,一套年产16万吨的尿素装置巍然屹立。伴着建设进程的热火朝天,员工的学习热情同样炽烈如火,终于在1966年7月31日生产出了第一批产品。谁料到,当装置尚未考核时,一场浩劫已在中国大地上风起云涌。所有外国专家要在国庆节前全部撤回国去。“他们走了,你们行吗?”面对国家技术进出口公司负责人质疑的目光,当时的尿素车间主任陈金堂的回答充满自信:“行,我们行!” Inspired by this vast land, watching the clouds take root, Castle Peak, there is always an surging strength, there is always a voice shaking the sky, the Pentium endless Yangtze River water sow passionate indulgence, Ambilight Chemical City Left a sparkling footprint. At 11:07 on July 31, 1966, this time, for Lutianhua, has a milestone significance for China’s urea industry. China’s first complete set of imported annual output of 160,000 tons of urea production plant to produce the first batch of urea to fill a gap in China’s fertilizer industry. Forty years with a long time, 40 years clank history, the roaring new production equipment is still roaring. As of July this year, a total of 5293372 tons of urea were produced, which made outstanding contributions to the development of Lutianhua. Zhengrong years history of the hand holding the Shen Sentences, the past lingering in the mind lingering. Looking back a bunch of footprints left by their predecessors, it is one of the most inspiring note. In 1960, when the silence of the earth was awakened by the pioneering wheels, a group of young people from all over the motherland gathered in the small town of Nanan, the southernmost town of the Yangtze River. The mighty construction army sounded the painstaking efforts of Lutianhua horn. In the plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, with the personal attention of the Central leaders such as Zhu De and Deng Xiaoping, advanced fertilizer production equipment in Western European countries came to Lutianhua across the sea. No information, no experience, no office, no operation desk ... Even the entrepreneur who is still not enough food and clothing faces many unexpected difficulties. With a blueprint and a windy night, with the slogan of “winning glory for the socialist motherland and winning ground for the solidarity of the working class, the Chinese people will never be discouraged.” With a breakthrough in the economic blockade of the United States and the Soviet Union, they will open up China’s natural gas chemical industry Full of pride, they will be proud of written in the history of Lutianhua arduous pioneering. At the beginning of 1965, the construction of the first phase of urea, mainly civil engineering, started to be implemented. In just one year, a 39-meter-tall prilling tower stood up and a set of urea plant with an annual output of 160,000 tons stood tall. Accompanied by the construction process in full swing, staff enthusiasm for learning the same fiery fire, and finally on July 31, 1966 produced the first batch of products. Who expected, when the device has not yet been assessed, a catastrophe has been surging in the land of China. All foreign experts must withdraw their country before the National Day. “The face of the head of State Technology Import and Export Corporation questioned the eyes of the then urea plant director Chen Jintang’s answer is full of confidence: ” OK, we go! "
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