
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lostwing56
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抗疏力固化剂在我国黄土加固中运用较少,探究抗疏力固化剂是否有利于维持黄土内部干燥状态很有必要。采用抗疏力固化剂对重塑Q_3黄土改性,室内开展水滴入渗试验、柔性壁渗透试验、收缩试验及压力膜仪脱水试验,分别探讨抗疏力固化剂掺量对黄土进水、渗透及失水能力的影响。结果显示,随抗疏力固化剂掺量提高,土样斥水性急剧增大,明显优于粉煤灰、水泥、石灰改性土;渗透系数基本不变,水的流通性基本不变;干缩失水过程改性土样含水率及土-水特征曲线毛细作用区曲线斜率均变化不大,黄土失水能力基本不变。结合电镜及压汞试验结果可知,抗疏力固化剂对黄土中大孔隙、中孔隙体积含量影响较小,从而对黄土中水的流通及失去能力影响较少,证明抗疏力固化剂改性黄土斥水性明显提高,而失水能力基本不变,有利于维持黄土内部的干燥状态。 The anti-clearing agent is less used in the reinforcement of loess in China. It is necessary to explore whether the anti-clearing agent is beneficial to maintain the dry state of the loess. The remodeling Q 3 loess was modified with an anti-clearing curing agent, and water infiltration test, flexible wall permeation test, shrinkage test, and pressure membrane dehydration test were conducted in the laboratory to investigate the influence of anti-clearing agent dosage on the infiltration and penetration of loess. And the effect of water loss. The results show that, with the increase of the amount of anti-laxative curing agent, the water repellency of soil samples increases sharply, which is obviously better than that of fly ash, cement, and lime-modified soil; the permeability coefficient remains basically unchanged, and the water circulation is basically unchanged; The water content of the modified soil and the slope of the curve of the capillary action area of ​​the soil-water characteristic curve in the process of shrinking water loss were all small, and the water loss capacity of the loess was basically unchanged. Combining electron microscopy and mercury intrusion test results, it is known that the anti-laxative curing agent has little effect on the content of macropores and mesopore volume in loess, and thus has little effect on the flow and loss of water in loess, demonstrating that the anti-laxative curing agent is modified. The water repellency of loess is obviously improved, and the water loss capacity is basically unchanged, which is conducive to maintaining the dry state of the loess.
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