
来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rqcai
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11日国家物价局局长罗植龄向全国人大财经委员会作了题为《目前物价形势和今后价格改革的设想》的汇报。同日国家物价局、冶金工业部发出《关于开滦精煤提价后部分钢材顺价的通知》。 12日国家旅游局、国家物价局联合发出《关于1992年度国际旅游价格继续实施外汇保值的通知》。 14日国家物价局、商业部联合发出《关于提高粮食定购价格的通知》。经国务院批准,自1992年4月1日起,适当提高粮食定购价格。通知决定,在国家规定的现行定购价格基础上,分品种全国平均每50公斤中等质量标准的提价额为:小麦6元,粳稻5元,籼稻3元,玉米3元。大豆价格不作调整。 On the 11th, the Director of the National Price Bureau, Luo Zhiling, gave a report to the National People’s Congress’s Finance and Economic Committee entitled “The current price situation and the vision for future price reform.” On the same day, the National Price Bureau and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry issued the “Notice on the smooth price of some steel products after Kailuan price increase”. On the 12th, the National Tourism Administration and the National Price Bureau jointly issued the “Notice on the Continued Implementation of Foreign Exchange Preservation Values ​​for International Tourism Prices in 1992”. On the 14th, the National Price Bureau and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the “Notice on Increasing the Price of Grain Orders.” With the approval of the State Council, since April 1, 1992, the grain purchase price has been appropriately increased. The notification decided that, based on the current order prices stipulated by the state, the average price per 50 kg of medium-quality standards for the sub-species nationwide will be: 6 yuan for wheat, 5 yuan for indica, 3 yuan for indica, and 3 yuan for corn. Soybean prices are not adjusted.
作为一名地方大学生排长,到连队以来,我强烈地感到:连队士官不仅在训练与管理中起着举足轻重的作用,而且在尊干爱兵、密切官兵关系方面,同样功不可没。 他们是连接官兵的“纽