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《学记》曰:“善问者如攻坚木:先易其者,而后其节目,及其久也,相说一解。”文言文的大概意思是,会提问的人,像木工砍木头,先从容易的地方着手,再砍坚硬的节疤一样,这样问题就会相对容易解决。所以说提问要循序渐进,先难后易。英语课堂提问亦然如此,要先从简单的问题入手,再问相对难回答的问题。课堂提问不仅仅一种教学方式,还是一门教学行为艺术。通过有效的提问激发学生思考,活跃课堂气氛。英语课堂提问是师生互动最基本的形式,正广泛使用在英语教学是 “Learn to remember” said: “Good questioning people such as tackling hardwood: the first easy to those who, and then its programs, and its long also said a solution.” "Classical Chinese probably means that people who ask questions, such as carpentry chopping wood , Start with easy places, and then cut hard knuckles, so the problem will be relatively easy to solve. So to ask step by step, the first difficult after the easy. The same is true of the English classroom question, we must start with a simple question, ask the question is relatively difficult to answer. Classroom questions are not just a teaching method, but also a teaching performance art. Through effective questioning to stimulate student thinking, active classroom atmosphere. English classroom questioning is the most basic form of interaction between teachers and students, is widely used in English teaching is
Objective To investigate the inhibiting effects and mechanism of achyranthes bidentata polysaccharide (ABP) and lycium barbarum polysaccharide (LBP) on nonenzy
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韩国人气组合 Battle 再次来到中国,并于最近做客明星会,首次在镜头前公开中国宿舍生活。别看在舞台上,Battle 的六只是极富魅力的明星,其实一回到宿舍,他们都是活泼可爱的
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