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在参考了大量文献的基础上,本文系统化的总结了高管团队薪酬公平性与企业绩效关系的相关研究成果、理论基础、薪酬公平性的量化方法、相关研究的结论。并对研究方向和视角进行了展望与拓展,提出了新的研究方向,认为行业、公司性质、地域经济水平等是影响该研究不能达成一致结论的原因之一,对该领域的研究可以根据不同行业、不同公司性质等进行更加细化和深入的分析。并且可以从非货币薪酬的角度对薪酬公平性进行衡量,同时引入经理人市场理论作为相关研究的理论基础,从而为二者的关系研究进一步提供理论依据。 On the basis of a large amount of references, this paper systematically summarizes the related research results, theoretical basis, quantitative methods of pay equity and the conclusions of the relevant studies systematically summarized the senior management team’s pay equity and corporate performance. And the research directions and perspectives are prospected and expanded. A new research direction is proposed. It is believed that one of the reasons that the study can not reach a consensus conclusion is that the industry, the nature of the company and the level of the regional economy are different. The research in this field can be conducted in different ways Industry, different nature of the company to conduct a more detailed and in-depth analysis. And we can measure the fairness of compensation from the perspective of non-monetary compensation, and at the same time, introduce the theory of manager’s market as the theoretical basis of the relevant research, so as to further provide a theoretical basis for the study of the relationship between the two.
【正】 上李印村有高标准“双高一优”田600多亩,占全村土地的80%,1993年粮食产量高达38万公斤,亩产613公斤。其栽培模式如下。 一、双千田 1.大蒜套玉米 白露节种大蒜,品种选
【正】 1.浇好封冻水 幼树抽条和树体内的水分含量有关,同时和土壤湿度有关。土壤干燥树体内水分含量小时,抽条率高。 2、主干涂白 可以抵抗早霜和晚霜的危害,涂白的
【正】 夏谷的一生,处于一年中高温、多雨的时期,其发芽、出土、生长都比较迅速,与春谷相比,具有播种时间晚,生育期短,植株矮、穗头小、生长发育快的特点。因此,夏谷栽培均应
【正】 苹果是多年生植物,一旦受病毒侵染就终身带毒,持久为害。可导致果树生长衰退,产量下降,品质变劣。我国现有果树栽培品种中带毒株率都在60%~80%以上,有些品种如金冠和元帅