
来源 :塑料制造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjmaomaoxiong
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塑料管材作为一种新型的建筑材料,其节约能源、保护自然生态环境等方面的优越性得到了人们的广泛重视。目前,已是当今国际上建筑、石油、化工、邮电、通讯、农业、国防等工业管道的首选管材。 近些年来,在国家宏观经济快速增长的拉动下,在国内各级政府、机构、协会、生产企业和相关企业等多方面的共同努力下,我国塑料管道行业得到了极大的发展,从极其简单的作坊式加工,发展到现在拥有几千家企业,已形成了颇具规模的行业大军,并成为国际上塑料管道生产和应用的大国之一.产品深入到各行各业、千家万户,行业发展速度处于世界领先水平。在这样一个大背景下,本刊记者利用在广东省东莞参加“大京九塑胶城”开业典礼暨首届中国塑料业发展高峰论坛的机会,对中国塑料加工工业协会塑料管道专业委员会王占杰常务副秘书长进行了采访。 Plastic pipe as a new type of building materials, its energy conservation, the protection of the natural environment and other advantages have been widely recognized. At present, it is the first pipe of choice in the international construction, petroleum, chemical, post and telecommunications, communications, agriculture and national defense industries. In recent years, driven by the rapid growth of the country’s macroeconomy, with the concerted efforts of various domestic governments, agencies, associations, manufacturing enterprises and related enterprises, the plastic pipe industry in our country has made tremendous progress, from extremely extreme Simple workshop-type processing, development to now have thousands of enterprises, has formed a large-scale industry forces, and become an international plastic pipe production and application of one of the big countries. Products into all walks of life, tens of thousands of households, the industry’s pace of development in the world’s leading level. Against such a backdrop, our correspondents take advantage of the opportunity to attend the opening ceremony of “Beijing Big Nine Plastic City” and the First China Plastics Industry Development Summit in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and take the opportunity of acting on the position of Deputy Secretary Wang Zhanjie of Plastic Pipe Industry Committee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association Long conducted an interview.
本文从实践探索和基础建设成果分析了我国电子商务发展的现状 ,对进一步发展我国电子商务面临的一些阻力 ,正确认识发展阻力 ,寻求新的增长点作一探讨 This article analyze
在过去的2003年,由于SARS 病毒的影响,使整个国民经济呈现 V 字发展,即一季度快速发展,二季度呈下降趋势,三季度开始速度大幅提高……经济的快速发展,刺激了广告的大幅提升,
政府管理跟不上、产业核心竞争力缺乏以及中介组织发育不完善,成为入世两年来的最大心忧。 The lack of government management, the lack of industrial core competitiven