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【目的】干旱是甘蔗生产中重要的逆境因子,严重影响甘蔗产量和品质。甘蔗野生资源割手密具有抗逆性强、宿根性强、适应性广等特点,研究其后代耐旱性,筛选耐旱种质,为培育新型抗旱亲本、实现甘蔗新品种突破提供理论依据。【方法】选取5种生态类型割手密与云瑞系列创新亲本、国外种以及国内种的杂交F_1、F_2代材料共36份,采用温室人工控水胁迫的方法,于甘蔗拔节初期设置正常供水(作对照)、轻度胁迫和重度胁迫3个处理。分别测定3个处理条件下甘蔗叶片质膜透性(plasma membrane permeability,PMP)、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)、叶绿素(chlorophyll,CHL)、可溶性蛋白(soluble protein,Pr)、脯氨酸(proline,Pro)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)酶活性7个生理生化指标,利用模糊隶属函数法、聚类分析和灰色关联度分析,综合评价割手密后代在不同程度水分胁迫下的耐旱性表现。【结果】水分胁迫下甘蔗叶片的PMP、MDA含量、Pro含量、SOD和POD酶活性升高,CHL含量和Pr含量降低,变化幅度因甘蔗基因型及水分胁迫程度差异而不同;隶属函数分析结果表明,不同程度水分胁迫下,割手密后代的耐旱能力不同,F_1代耐旱性较强,综合抗旱能力超过双亲的个体比例为82%,远高于F_2代;聚类分析表明,所有材料在轻度水分胁迫下可分为4大类群,其中,Ⅰ和Ⅱ类耐旱性最好,Ⅳ类次之,Ⅲ类耐旱性最差且全为F_2代材料,F_1代均分布于耐旱性较好的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ类群。重度胁迫下可分为3大类群,Ⅰ、Ⅲ类耐旱性较强,Ⅱ类耐旱性最差,F_1代(除云割F_108-473外)均分布在耐旱性较强的Ⅰ、Ⅲ类群;灰色关联度分析表明,不同程度水分胁迫下,各指标与耐旱性间的关联度不同。轻度胁迫下,关联度依次为POD>SOD>PMP>MDA>Pr>CHL>Pro;重度胁迫下关联度依次为SOD>Pr>CHL>POD>PMP>MDA>Pro。【结论】36份割手密F_1和F_2杂种材料中,云割F_108-536、云割F_211-179、云割F_211-8、云割F_108-474、云割F_108-398、云割F_108-254、云割F_211-261、云割F_211-151、云割F_108-538、云割F_108-391、云割F_211-188、云割F_211-37、云割F_107-150、云割F_211-258和云割F_211-90耐旱性较强,为强耐旱种质,可在甘蔗抗旱亲本培育及抗旱育种中加以重点利用;割手密耐旱特性在不同世代中的遗传表现不同,F_1代耐旱性强于F_2代;割手密后代耐旱性强弱与其父本割手密的气候生态类型、地理位置及海拔无明显相关性;PMP、MDA含量、CHL含量、SOD和POD酶活性5个生理生化指标与甘蔗耐旱性关联度较高,是耐旱性评价的优良指标。 【Aim】 Drought is an important adverse factor in sugarcane production, which seriously affects the yield and quality of sugarcane. Sugarcane wild resources cut hand tight with strong resistance, strong perennial ability, wide adaptability and other characteristics of its offspring to study drought tolerance, screening of drought-resistant germplasm, to cultivate a new drought-resistant parents, to achieve a breakthrough in new varieties of sugarcane provide a theoretical basis. 【Method】 Thirty-six hybrid F_1 and F_2 hybrids were selected from five ecotypes, Mudamichu and Yunrui series of innovative parents, foreign species and domestic species. The artificial water-controlled stress in greenhouse was used to set up normal water supply (Control), mild stress and severe stress 3 treatments. The changes of plasma membrane permeability (PMP), malondialdehyde (MDA), chlorophyll (CHL), soluble protein (Pr), proline proline and Pro, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities. Seven physiological and biochemical indexes were determined using fuzzy membership function, cluster analysis and gray relational analysis. The comprehensive evaluation of the drought tolerance of Mogami dense progeny under different degrees of water stress. 【Result】 The results showed that the contents of PMP, MDA, Pro, SOD and POD in leaves of sugarcane under water stress increased while the content of CHL and Pr decreased. The variation range was different due to the difference of genotype and water stress of sugarcane. The membership function analysis The results showed that under different degrees of water stress, the ability of drought resistance of the cutoff secret seedlings was different, the drought tolerance of F_1 generation was stronger, the proportion of individuals with more comprehensive drought resistance ability than their parents was 82%, much higher than that of F_2 generation. Cluster analysis showed that all Under mild water stress, the materials could be divided into four groups. Among them, Ⅰ and Ⅱ had the best drought resistance, Ⅳ followed, Ⅲ had the worst drought tolerance and all were F_2 generation, Drought tolerance of the better Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅳ groups. Severe stress can be divided into three groups, Ⅰ, Ⅲ drought tolerance is relatively strong, Ⅱ is the worst drought tolerance, F_1 ​​generation (except for cloud cover F_108-473) are distributed in the drought-tolerant Ⅰ, Ⅲ groups. The gray correlation analysis showed that under different degrees of water stress, the correlations between different indexes and drought tolerance were different. Under mild stress, the correlations were POD> SOD> PMP> MDA> Pr> CHL> Pro respectively. The correlations under the severe stress were SOD> Pr> CHL> POD> PMP> MDA> Pro. 【Conclusion】 Among the 36 F_1 and F_2 hybrids, the mowing F_108-536, mowing F_211-179, mowing F_211-8, mowing F_108-474, mowing F_108-398, mowing F_108-254 , Cloud cut F_211-261, cloud cut F_211-151, cloud cut F_108-538, cloud cut F_108-391, cloud cut F_211-188, cloud cut F_211-37, cloud cut F_107-150, cloud cut F_211-258 and cloud The F_211-90 with strong drought tolerance was a strong drought-tolerant germplasm, which could be utilized in drought-resistant parental breeding and drought-resistant breeding of sugar cane. The genetic performance of drought tolerance in cut-off density was different in different generations. F_1 There was no significant correlation between the drought tolerance and the climatic and ecological types, geographical location and altitude of Parents, the PMP, MDA content, CHL content, SOD and POD activities Physiological and biochemical indexes have a higher correlation with drought tolerance of sugarcane, which is an excellent indicator of drought tolerance evaluation.
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1.原想春节前用三天时间开车到北京跑个来回。清晨起床,却被一场雾弄得哭笑不得。万幸的是雾还不算大,高速公路未封道,我们一行就这样心存侥幸地向北京进发了。 1. Original
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