如何将产品推销出去,这一直是让企业颇费脑筋的事情。下面向深感推销乏路的企业推荐一条推销产品的好途径:运用商业信函。商业信函推销产品具有五个显著特点: 一、成本低、效益大。发出一封商业信函等于企业只花几角钱派出去一个推销员,大大节省了企业费用开支。
How to sell products, which has always been a big headache for businesses. Here’s a good way to recommend products to businesses that are deeply frustrated: use business letters. Commercial letter marketing products have five salient features: First, low cost, great benefits. Issuing a business letter is equivalent to the business spending only a few cents sent to a salesman, a significant savings in corporate expenses.