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在我小的时候,跟着大姐去看电影《迷途的羔羊》,虽然年纪幼小,对影片的主题内涵不能深刻理解,但是故事中那一群无家可归到处流浪的苦孩子,和他们悲惨的遭遇,给我留下了不可磨灭的印象。尤其是影片中那支歌《月光光》,我回到家里总是哼唱着它,这支歌的词太感人了,曲调宛转情绪悲凉,唱的时候让人特别心酸。后来,我渐渐知道了有关电影《迷途的羔羊》创作的背景和其它一些情况。我国著名电影编剧、导演蔡楚生(1906—1968)在看了苏联小说《錶》之后,曾想把它改编为电影,后来他考虑还是写我们国家现实的少年儿童生活,便编写了《迷途的羔羊》这个剧本。剧本的梗概是:小三子从家乡流浪到上海,他露宿街头,遇到同乡的女孩小翠。后来小三子偶然的机遇变成了富翁,但他仍怀念流浪儿朋友们。小三子和老仆人被那个阔太太养母赶出家门,这些饥寒交迫的苦孩子,仍然在上海的摩天大厦中间流浪、彷徨。影片最后,银幕上是这些苦儿惊恐的脸和含泪 When I was a kid, I went to see the movie “The Lost Lamb” with my older sister. Although I was young, I could not understand deeply the content of the theme of the film. However, the tragedy of homeless wanderers in the story and their sad experiences , Left an indelible impression on me. Especially in the movie song “moonlight”, I always hummed at home, the lyrics of this song are touching, melody mood sad, singing when people are particularly sad. Later, I gradually learned the background and other things about the creation of the movie “Lost Lamb”. The famous screenwriter and director Cai Chusheng (1906-1968), after reading the “Table” of the Soviet novel, wanted to adapt it to a movie. Later, when he considered or wrote about the reality of our country’s children and adolescents, he wrote the “Lost Lamb ”This script. The outline of the script is: the youngest son wandering from home to Shanghai, he sleep in the streets, meet fellow girl Komidori. Later, the chance of third child chance became rich, but he still miss wanderer friends. The little three sons and the old servants were expelled from the house by the broad-leaved mother, who were still wandering in the middle of Shanghai’s skyscrapers. At the end of the film, the frightened face and tears of these bitter children are on the screen
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