Off Road

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  A military jet takes off from a highway in Central China’s Henan Province on May 25. The takeoff took place as China’s air force held the first ever tests of a specially designed highway that intentionally doubles up as a runway for aircraft.
  The strip is one of the best road runways in the country, according to Liu Shenyang, deputy chief of the Jinan Military Area Command.
  The highway can serve as an alternative airport for civilian airplanes and allows takeoffs and landings of cargo planes. It can also be used in exercises and training for military airplanes as well as for emergency landings during wartime, he added.

   Smog Assessment
  On May 27, the State Council, China’s cabinet, issued regulations on assessing local governments’ performance in their implementation of a nationwide action plan for air pollution control.
  The Central Government is trying to tie local officials’ career progressions with their work on air pollution control in a bid to provide them with more
  incentive to carry out this essential work.
  Under the action plan, which was put into practice in September 2013, the Central Government aims to cut the density of inhalable particulate matter by at least 10 percent in major cities nationwide by 2017.
  PM 2.5, a key indicator of air pollution, should fall by about 25 percent from 2012 levels in Beijing and its surrounding provincial areas by 2017, while the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta regions are expected to see reductions of 20 percent and 15 percent, respectively.
  Provincial governments will be assessed annually in terms of their implementation of the plan by 2017.
   Returning Students
  More than 1.4 million Chinese overseas students returned to China after graduating over the past 35 years, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on May 27.
  The MOE cited figures that over 3.05 million people pursued degrees in foreign countries from 1978, the beginning of China’s opening-up policy, till the end of 2013.
  Among the more than 1.65 million people who have not returned, 1.07 million are still studying or doing research abroad.
  Along with its rising strength and economic development, China’s demand for skilled and talented minds is also on the rise, according to a statement issued by the MOE. It estimated that the number of students studying abroad and graduates returning to China will continue to grow rapidly.    Community Correction
  China’s community correction centers had received more than 1.84 million offenders nationwide by the end of February since trials were launched 11 years ago, official data showed.
  Among the offenders, around 60 percent have already been released, according to a joint statement issued by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, as well as ministries of public security and justice at a conference on March 27.
  China first launched trials for community correction centers in 2003 in six cities and provinces, including Beijing and Shanghai, and has extended the scheme to other parts of the country since.
  The correctional program has been imposed on offenders under surveillance, on probation, parole, and those temporarily out of prison. Social workers and volunteers are often invited to assist.
   Environmental Court
  A special court for environmental cases was opened on May 23 in southeast China’s Fujian Province. It is the country’s first such specialized judiciary organ.
  The court affiliated to the Fujian Provincial Higher People’s Court has recruited 12 environmental, agricultural, marine and mineral experts as technical consultants.
  Entrusted by the court, the consultants can appear in court to provide technical consultation and interpretation.
  Fujian was approved as China’s first“ecological progress demonstration zone” in April to explore and pilot judicial protection of the environment.
  Since 2009, several county- and city-level courts in the province have experimented in setting up divisions specializing in forestry, mining, water and resources, atmosphere and water pollution cases.
   Drought Delay
  A planned test run of the middle route of China’s ambitious South-North Water Diversion Project on June 1 is likely to be postponed due to a drought in the area from which the water is sourced.
  Liu Song, deputy head of the Control Center of the Danjiangkou Reservoir Management Bureau, said that the water level in the reservoir was measured at only 140.1 meters on May 23, far from the required 170 meters.
  The plan was for water from the Danjiangkou Reservoir in central China’s Hubei Province to feed into the pipeline between June 1 and August 20 on a trial basis.
  After 10 years of construction, the middle route water diversion system has linked the reservoir with 19 arid cities including Beijing and Tianjin and more than 100 smaller towns in north China.   However, drought affecting the Hanjiang River since winter has led to a decrease in the level of water stored in the reservoir, according to the bureau.
  The Hanjiang River is the largest tributary of China’s longest river, the Yangtze. Hydrological experts believe its current drought does not suggest a long-term trend.
   Overseas Patents
  The growth in filings of Chinese patents abroad has increased significantly since 2000, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO).
  A WIPO report released on May 23 noted that between 2000 and 2005, the average annual growth rate of overseas patent filings by applicants from China reached 40 percent, and has continued to grow by 23 percent since 2005.
  WIPO spokesperson Edward Harris attributed the increase to improved quality of innovations and inventions in China.
  In terms of absolute numbers, the United States is the largest recipient of Chinese foreign-oriented patent filings, with close to 50,000 applications between 1970 and 2012, followed by Europe, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Canada.
  Statistics also showed that almost 70 percent of Chinese patent families filed overseas were owned by firms, while the share of universities and research institutes claimed around 6 percent.
  The report said that digital communication, computer technology, nanotechnology, semiconductors as well as telecommunications were the fastest growing fields among Chinese foreign-oriented patent families between 2000 and 2009.
   Rural Artists
  A visitor looks at paintings on display during an exhibition of Chinese painters at the UN headquarters in New York City on May 27.
  The two-day event, showing dozens of masterpieces selected from all regions across China, attracted senior UN officials, ambassadors as well as journalists from different countries.
   Mass Messaging
  The Chinese Government started a month-long campaign to eliminate malpractice on instant messaging services like WeChat on May 27.
  While such services have become popular online communication channels, some people have used them to distribute illegal and harmful information, seriously undermining public interests and order in cyberspace, according to a statement from the State Internet Information Office.
  The campaign will target public accounts on instant messaging services, which can spread information on a large scale, the statement revealed.    Shoring Up SMEs
  Chinese officials said on May 27 that more efforts by the government are under way to revitalize the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in boosting economic growth.
  SMEs, which create more than 60 percent of economic output and more than 80 percent of urban jobs in the country, are the most numerous and innovative of the country’s enterprises.
  “They are irreplaceable in boosting economic growth, pushing forward innovation, and providing employment,”said Zheng Xin, Director of the SME Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).
  The Central Government will budget 11.5 billion yuan ($1.86 billion) in a special fund for SMEs to support their innovation and international coopera- tion. The money will also be used to provide financial assistance to some SMEs, according to Xu Kemin, Deputy Director of the MIIT SME Department. The State Council said in April that tax breaks for small and micro firms will be extended until the end of 2016, with companies to be eligible to have their business income tax halved if their taxable income is under 100,000 yuan($16,010) per year.
   Food Safety Stressed
  The State Council has issued a guideline to boost food safety, a government statement said on May 27.
  More measures will be taken to deal with land and water pollution and those who are using banned pesticides and veterinary drugs will be punished.
  The quality of baby formulas will be strictly monitored and a campaign will be made to crack down on any illegal use of food additives.
  More efforts will be made to improve food safety in meat products and punish those who illegally purchase, process or sell sick or dead animals.
  Draft amendments to the Food Safety Law released in October last year said China will triple the fines for severe food safety violations, and those jailed for such crimes will be banned forever from the food industry.
   Salary Survey
  Employees in China’s foreign-invested companies earned more than any other group last year, according to new survey results released May 27.
  The National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) said in a statement on its website that foreign companies paid an average annual salary of 61,694 yuan ($10,001) to their employees in 2013, topping all other types of companies.
  State-owned companies paid the second highest at 56,728 yuan ($9,082), while companies with investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan paid 49,683 yuan ($7,954) to employees, the statement showed.   The NBS tracked 870,000 companies in 16 sectors for the survey. The average salary of all tracked companies was 45,676 yuan ($7,313).
   Tracking Progress
  Workers check railway tracks along the second line of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway, which will come into operation at the end of 2014.
  Inspection on the electrical works and auxiliary projects of the line recently commenced. The 1,776-km railway will cut travel time between Lanzhou, capital of northwest China’s Gansu Province and Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, from more than 20 hours to eight hours.

   Water Facility Loan
  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help improve water access and quality in China in a $200-million deal signed here on May 27 with private water supplier China Water Affairs Group Ltd.(CWA).
  Under the project, for which no time frame was specified, CWA will extend urban water pipeline networks into semi-urban and rural communities to provide household connections to tap water 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers will enjoy better water quality and more reliable access.
  CWA will also strengthen existing water facilities to prevent leakage and secondary contamination during distribution.
  According to the deal, the ADB’s support will comprise a direct A-loan of $100 million, denominated in U.S. dollars and the yuan. The yuan portion will use funds raised via the bank’s Panda bonds as well as Dim Sum bonds.
  The ADB will also arrange a $100-million B-loan, under which it acts as the lender of record for commercial banks.
   Oil Exploration
  China Oilfield Services Ltd. (COSL) completed the first phase of oil drilling and exploration off Zhongjian Island of the country’s Xisha Islands on May 27, the company said in a statement.
  According to a plan made by its client, the exploration operation has moved to another site for its secondphase work, the COSL said.
  The operation, carried out by the HYSY981 drilling platform managed by COSL, started on May 2 and is expected to be completed by mid-August.
  The waters for the first phase were 17 nautical miles from Zhongjian Island, completely within China’s territorial waters, while they are as far as 130-150 nautical miles (241-278 km) from Viet Nam’s coastline.
  However, preceding the announcement, Viet Nam had carried out intensive disruptions of Chinese company’s normal oil drilling since May 2.    Wind of Change
  Wind turbines generate power in Yuhuang Mountain, Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province.
  On May 27, the first low-speed wind farm was connected to the grid. The wind farm can supply 700 million kilowatt hours per year.

   Seeking Private Capital
  The State Grid Corp of China, the nation’s largest utility by sales, said on May 27 it plans to seek private capital investment to establish a distributed power network and charging stations for electric vehicles. It’s a step toward mixed ownership in state-monopolized industries.
  State Grid representative Wang Yanfang said the company supports private capital in investing in distributed power generation connection projects, as it will develop the industry.
  At the end of April, the company’s grid-connected capacity of distributed power had reached 1.28 million kilowatts, among which distributed solar power accounted for 1.21 million kilowatts, according to the company.
  The Chinese Government has shown a clear intention to open up state-owned enterprises to private investment. Sinopec announced in February it will sell up to 30 percent of its retail oil business to private investors.
  PetroChina just said it will sell 100 percent of its pipeline assets valued at$6.3 billion to private investors.
  The assets include the first and second west-east gas pipelines, which carry natural gas from Central Asian countries and China’s energy-rich region of Xinjiang to the nation’s eastern cities.
   Logistics Growth
  The growth of China’s logistics industry continued to slow in the first four months of 2014 due to shrinking demand amid an economic slowdown.
  The total value of goods transported by logistics services increased 8.5 percent year on year to 64.2 trillion yuan ($10.4 trillion), according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).
  The growth rate was 0.1 percentage points lower than the first quarter and 0.9 percentage points lower compared to the same period last year.
  NDRC said that the industry’s efficiency has been improving as the growth of logistics expenditure was slower than that of the value of goods transported.
  Combined logistics expenditure in the January-April period totaled 3.1 trillion yuan ($500 billion), up 8.0 percent from a year ago.
  The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing forecast in mid-May that the logistics sector will improve later this year and the growth for the whole year will be around 9 percent.
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