泉州融资租赁业兴起 加速“抢滩”本土制造业

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近期,在“泉州金改”的大背景下,泉州融资租赁行业快速发展。来自泉州市工商局的信息显示,从今年3月到5月的短短2个月时间里,泉州新注册成立的融资租赁公司就有3家,包括百业中兴(泉州)融资租赁有限公司、汇兴融资租赁有限公司和泉州禹舜融资租赁有限公司,注册资本均在亿元以上。而据业内人士透露,目前起码有20家外来融资租赁公司的泉州团队已经或正准备“抢滩”泉州市常 Recently, under the backdrop of “Quanzhou Gold Reform”, the finance lease industry in Quanzhou has been developing rapidly. Information from Quanzhou Trade and Industry Bureau shows that from March this year to May in just two months, Quanzhou newly incorporated three financial leasing companies, including the 100 industry ZTE (Quanzhou) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Hing Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. and Quanzhou Yu Shun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., the registered capital of 100 million yuan or more. According to industry sources, at least 20 foreign financial leasing companies in Quanzhou team has been or is preparing to “grab the beach,” often in Quanzhou