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一、当代社会信息高技术及产业发展现状信息产业是一门技术新、知识智力密集、行业多、领域宽、社会服务性和相关性强的综合性新兴产业。在美国.现在从业人员已从1950年的占职工总数的17%上升到一半以上,达5000万人,信息产业年产值接近5000亿美元。在日本,信息业的经济规模也达到了举足轻重的程度。据资料介绍,仅在1978年就占国民经济总产值的35.4%,达到81.4万亿日元。 I. Status Quo of Information High-tech and Industrial Development in Contemporary Society The information industry is a comprehensive emerging industry with new technologies, intensive knowledge and intelligence, multiple industries, wide fields, strong social services and strong correlations. In the United States, the number of employees has risen from 17% of the total workforce in 1950 to more than half, reaching 50 million, and the information industry has an annual output of nearly 500 billion U.S. dollars. In Japan, the economic size of the information industry has also reached a decisive level. According to statistics, only in 1978 accounted for 35.4% of the gross national product, reaching 81.4 trillion yen.
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截止1988年6月,我们收治98例高血压脑出血并发胃肠出血患者,主要根据病史、体检及早期的血性脑脊液检查,并在此基础上出现呕血或肉眼可见的黑便即予诊断,不包 As of June 1
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