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经济发展为什么?区域领先争什么?全面达小康后干什么?这是我国率先实现全面小康的发达地区应思考的问题。2005年底江阴率先达到江苏省全面小康指标后,江阴市委市政府再一次以敢为天下先的胆识和智慧,开全国之先河,提出了建设幸福江阴的新构想,以独特的民本视野,将人的发展放在首位,确立了“幸福江阴”建设的新定位,制定了幸福江阴综合评价指标体系,诠释着科学发展的新理念,寻求着巩固全面小康成果的新突破,让更多的人享受到改革开放、经济发展的成果,实现由富裕江阴到幸福江阴的转型和跨越。为了让幸福可感受、可衡量、可考核,江阴市委、市政府在全国首次制定了幸福江阴综合评价指标体系。幸福江阴如何幸福,如何测量,来自中央政策研究室、中央党校、求是杂志社、国务院研究室、国家发改委、国家统计局、中国社科院等党政部门的领导和相关专家在论坛上对此展开了深入讨论。 What is the reason for economic development? What are the leading positions in the region? What should be done after all-round well-off society? This is the issue that China should take the lead in realizing the well-to-do society in an all-round way. At the end of 2005, after Jiangyin first reached the index of overall well-being of Jiangsu Province, Jiangyin Municipal Committee and Municipal Government once again dared to pioneer the courage and wisdom of the world and set a precedent for the nation. It proposed a new vision of building a happy Jiangyin, The development of human beings has taken the first place and established a new position in the construction of “Happy Jiangyin” and formulated a comprehensive evaluation index system of happiness for Jiangyin, annotating the new concept of scientific development and seeking new breakthroughs in consolidating the overall well-to-do achievements so that more Enjoy the fruits of reform and opening up as well as economic development and realize the transition from a prosperous Jiangyin to a prosperous Jiangyin. In order to make happiness feel, measurable, assessment, Jiangyin municipal government in the country for the first time developed a comprehensive evaluation index system of happiness Jiangyin. How happy happiness, how to measure, from the Central Policy Research Department, the Central Party School, Qushi magazine, the State Council Research Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, National Bureau of Statistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other party and government leaders and relevant experts at the forum This started an in-depth discussion.
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张海澄,1 966年生.医学博士,硕士生导师,北京大学人民医院心血管内科主任医师.1984年就读于北京医科大学临床医学系,1996年获临床医学博士学位.1990年起一直在北京大学人民医