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在中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环的亲切关怀下,《中国京剧音配像精粹》录制工程即将取得全面胜利。在4月20日召开的京剧音配像工作座谈会上,李瑞环希望参加音配像的有关单位和工作人员争分夺秒,奋战一百天,夺取京剧音配像工程的全面胜利。 《中国京剧音配像精粹》是中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环同志创意策划的。京剧是中华民族文化的瑰宝,经过历代艺术家千锤百练,创作表演了一批艺术精品,尤其是50年代,京剧舞台空前繁荣,人才辈出,流派纷呈。由于“文化大革命” 的浩劫。造成了京剧演员断档、剧目断档、观众断档的局面。过去老艺术家的演出很少留下影像,却保存了不少录音。音配像就是选择著名老京剧艺术家当年演唱的录音,组织他们的亲传弟子或后代中的优秀中青年演员,在熟悉这些演出的 Under the gracious care of Li Ruihuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, the recording project of “China’s Peking Opera Sound Matchmaker” will soon achieve an overall victory. On April 20 at the Beijing Opera Tailor-made Working Symposium, Li Ruihuan hoped that the relevant units and staff participating in the audio-visual match would race against time and fight one hundred days to win the all-round victory of Beijing Opera Tailored Video Project. “China’s Peking Opera Sound Matchmaker” is a creative plan by Comrade Li Ruihuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Peking Opera is a gem of Chinese culture. Through successive generations of artists, it has created and performed a number of fine art works. Especially in the 1950s, the stage for Peking opera was an unprecedented boom with lots of talents and genres. Due to the “Cultural Revolution” catastrophe. Caused the Beijing opera actor off, repertoire off, the audience off the file situation. In the past, the performances of the old artists seldom left images, but kept a lot of recordings. Tone is like the selection of the famous old Beijing opera artists singing the year recording, organizing their pro-disciple or the descendants of outstanding young and middle-aged actors familiar with these performances