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甲鱼急性肺炎病,在目前温室养殖中极易被误诊,此病潜伏期长,发病较快,来势猛,如不及时治疗,死亡率可达70%以上,此病对幼鳖危害尤为严重。根据浙江省海宁市龙头阁两栖爬行动物研究所治疗此病的经验,现将该病的治疗方法介绍如下:1.发病原因温室内室温超过37℃,水体含固形有机物过多,水质 Turtle acute pneumonia disease, in the current greenhouse culture can easily be misdiagnosed, the disease has a long incubation period, rapid onset, fierce trend, if not treated, the mortality rate of up to 70%, the disease is particularly serious harm to the juveniles. According to the experience of treatment of the disease by the leading institute of amphibians and reptiles in Haining, Zhejiang Province, the treatment of the disease is introduced as follows: 1. The cause of the disease The greenhouse temperature exceeds 37 ℃, the water body contains too much solid organic matter, water quality
近日保险数字化解决方案提供商易保网络技术(易保)宣布易保InsureMOTM中台系统在太平人寿保险有限公司上线,该系统将作为太平人寿的互联网核心,帮助其更好、更快地对接海量的互联网渠道,快速发布保险产品。此外,InsureMOTM基于新一代云和微服务架构的属性,将有力支持太平人寿稳定且弹性地应对各种促销活动期间的大并发。  太平人寿首席信息官熊明表示:“作为互联网浪潮中的前行者,太平人寿近年来积极
大棚种植茄子容易诱发绵疫病,该病俗称“烂果”,主要危害果实,使果实腐烂、脱落,严重影响大棚茄子的产量. 发生快、 损失大, 一般减产15%~35%,是设施栽培中茄子优质高产的主
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M-tec 公司成立于1978年,35多年来, M-tec始终致力于为现代建筑材料的制造、物流和现场施工以及研发和生产提供创新的解决方案。M-tec活跃在世界各地--使建筑业朝着更好,更快,更
腹泻是家兔的一种常见病, 气候变化剧烈的冬春季节更易发生, 幼兔和断奶兔发病多于成兔.冬季兔舍阴冷潮湿, 家兔腹部受凉,或者吃带霜雪及结冻的饲料刺激了胃肠,兔断奶过早,刚
Grid computing has emerged as an important new research field. With years of efforts, grid researchers have successfully developed grid technologies including s
1.圈舍简陋 暗、湿、窄、小是山区养牛牛舍的基本现状. 无论过去养牛为耕地,还是今天养牛为致富,在牛舍建设上下工夫的甚为少有, 所备有的牛舍一年四季一个样, 从不管冬冷夏