Improvement of Wear Resistance of Magnesium Alloy AZ91HP by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam Treatm

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mumuduck
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Surface modification of magnesium alloy AZ91HP (9wt%Al, 0.5wt%Zn, 0.5wt%Mn, Mg remaining percentage) by high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) treatment was studied in this paper. The secondary phase MgnAln is nearly completely dissolved and as a result, a super-saturated solid solution forms on the re-melted surface. The microhardness is increased both in and far beyond the heat-affected zone (HAZ), reaching about 250um. Measurements on sliding wear have shown that the wear resistance of the treated samples was improved by a factor of about 2.4 as compared to the as-received sample. It is also found that the sliding wear resistance can be further improved by surface alloying with TiN. The modification of magnesium alloy AZ91HP (9wt% Al, 0.5wt% Zn, 0.5wt% Mn, Mg remaining percentage) by high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) treatment was studied in this paper. The secondary phase MgnAln is nearly completely dissolved and The microhardness is increased both both and far beyond the heat-affected zone (HAZ), reaching about 250 um. Measurements on sliding wear have shown that the wear resistance of the treated samples was improved by a factor of about 2.4 as compared to the as-received sample. It is also found that the sliding wear resistance can be further improved by surface alloying with TiN.
排序国家 探明储量 ,10 8t 占世界 ,%储采比1沙特阿拉伯 36 0 2 4 9852伊拉克 15 2 10 7大于 10 03科威特 1339 3大于 10 04阿联酋 130 9 2大于 10 05伊朗 12 38 5 6 7 46委
目的 比较丙种球蛋白(IVIG)联合地塞米松(Dxm)与单独用地塞米松治疗特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)的效果。方法 治疗组IVIG400mg·kg-1·d-1+Dxmlmg·kg-1·d-1静滴5天。对照
中国石化集团公司江汉石油管理局 China Petrochemical Corporation Jianghan Petroleum Administration
患儿 ,男 ,1.5h ,因发绀、呻吟 1h由产科转入我科 ,查体 :反应差 ,哭声弱 ,呻吟 ,全身皮肤青紫 ,双肺呼吸音弱 ,经综合治疗效差 ,于产后 6 0h死亡。诊断 :1.剖宫产儿综合征 ;2 .
1994年 1月~ 1997年 10月我院住院危重症患儿 348例中 ,并急性胃肠功能衰竭 80例 ,男 6 4例 ,女 16例 ,年龄 30d~ 3岁 ,胃肠功能衰竭早期 5 1例 ,中期 14例 ,晚期 15例。本组在