传播社保 服务民生——写在《中国社会保障》全彩出刊之日

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今年,《中国社会保障》将迎来她的20岁生日。二十年铿锵前行,二十年岁月如歌。今天呈现在广大读者面前的,是全彩出刊的《中国社会保障》杂志。民生比天大,社保铸根基。改革开放30多年来,尤其是近20年,我国的社保体系建设全面铺开,社保事业以前所未有的速度和规模向前推进,五大险种的覆盖范围、覆盖人群、保险待遇、基金保值增值等方面取得长足进展,实现了由政府和企业保障向社会保障、由职工保障向城乡全体居民保障的重大变革,覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系框架基本形成,书写了世界为之惊叹的社保“中国奇迹”。 This year, “China’s social security” will usher her 20th birthday. Twenty years sonorous forward, twenty years old song. Present in front of readers today is the full-color publication of “China Social Security” magazine. People’s livelihood than big, social security foundation. In the more than 30 years since the reform and opening up, especially in the past 20 years, the social security system in our country has been under construction in an all-round way. The social security business has been moving forward at an unprecedented speed and scale. The coverage of the five major types of insurance covers people, insurance and the value of the fund Made great progress, achieved by the government and enterprise security to social security, from employee protection to urban and rural residents in major changes in the protection of urban and rural residents covering the basic form of the social security system framework, writing the world for its amazing social security ".
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