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为了解运营早期沥青混凝土路面透水状况,及时发现隐性病害,改进了室内渗水试验方法,采用AC-20型和AM-20型混合料成型目标空隙率分别为4%、6%、8%、10%、12%和14%的车辙板试件。通过车辙板渗水试验和碘钨灯照射试验,研究了沥青混凝土路面空隙率与透水性、沥青混凝土路面表面温度与透水性之间的相关性,并通过工程实例应用,验证了这种相关性。研究结果表明:除太阳辐射、集料岩性、周围环境等自然因素外,沥青混合料的空隙率成为雨后天晴条件下影响路表温度最主要的因素之一;车辙板试件的渗水系数随空隙率增大而呈线性增加,当空隙率大于9%时,渗水系数出现急剧增大;不同饱水量车辙板试件经碘钨灯照射后的温差,与照射时间之间呈现出先增加,然后逐渐减小并逐步趋于零的变化规律。可为沥青混凝土路面隐性病害研究提供借鉴,也为预防性养护时机的确定提供决策依据。 In order to understand the water permeability of early asphalt concrete pavement and find the hidden disease in time, the indoor water penetration test method was improved. The target porosity of AC-20 and AM-20 mixture was 4%, 6%, 8% 10%, 12% and 14% of the track plate specimens. The relationship between the porosity and permeability of asphalt concrete pavement, the surface temperature of asphalt concrete pavement and the water permeability was studied through the water-seepage test and the irradiation test of iodine-tungsten light. The correlation was verified by engineering application. The results show that the porosity of asphalt mixture is one of the most important factors affecting the temperature of the road surface when the weather is sunny, except for natural factors such as solar radiation, aggregate lithology and surrounding environment. The water seepage coefficient With the increase of porosity, the permeability increased linearly. When the porosity was more than 9%, the water seepage coefficient increased sharply. The temperature difference between the irradiation of the ruthenium plates with different water content after irradiation with iodine-tungsten lamp increased firstly, Then gradually reduce and gradually change to zero. It can provide reference for the research of hidden disease of asphalt concrete pavement and also provide decision-making basis for the determination of preventive maintenance timing.
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肖益赋 ,男 ,中共党员 ,1 96 3年出生于四川犍为 ,1 984年毕业于昆明工学院选矿药剂专业本科 ,现任株洲选矿药剂厂厂长 ,《矿业研究与开发》杂志理事会理事。肖益赋同志 1 98