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7月29~30日,由中华民族团结进步协会、民族团结杂志社共同主办的“2006年中国民族地区经济发展论坛”在北京人民大会堂隆重召开。来自全国各地各级政府部门、协会组织、各企业、学术机构和新闻媒体等100多名代表齐聚京城,为构建和谐社会建议,为振兴民族经济献策。全国政协副主席郝建秀,全国政协常委、中华民族团结进步协会会长江家福,全国政协委员、国家民委专职委员荣仕星,农业部原部长何康,民族团结杂志社社长李建辉和总编辑郭正英,中国民族报社总编辑普永生,中共保亭黎族苗族自治县县委书记李永喜等出席了论坛的开幕式。郝建秀等领导同志在论坛开幕式前与全体会议代表和参会人员合影留念,并在论坛开幕式上向荣获“特色之乡”光荣称号的代表颁发了证书。开幕式上,本届论坛主席江家福发表了热情洋溢的欢迎辞,对与会代表的到来表示热烈的欢迎,他希望大家能广开言路,为民族地区经济的发展献计献策。 From July 29 to 30, “2006 China Ethnic Region Economic Development Forum” co-sponsored by the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Solidarity and the National Unity Magazine was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. More than 100 representatives from government departments, associations, associations, enterprises, academic institutions and news media from all over the country gathered in the capital to offer advice on building a harmonious society and offer advice on the promotion of national economy. Hao Jianxiu, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Jiang Jianfu, chairman of the Chinese National Unity and Progress Association, member of the CPPCC National Committee, full member of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission Rong Shixing, former Minister of Agriculture He Kang, president of the National Unity magazine Li Jianhui and editor in chief Guo Zhengying, editor-in-chief of China Nationalities Press, Yong Li, secretary of county party committee of Baoting Li-Miao Autonomous County, attended the opening ceremony of the forum. Hao Jianxiu and other leading comrades took a group photo with the plenary delegates and participants before the opening ceremony of the forum and presented a certificate to the representatives who won the glorious title of “towns of special features” at the opening ceremony of the forum. At the opening ceremony, Jiang Jiafu, chairman of the forum, delivered a warm welcome speech and extended a warm welcome to the participants. He hopes everybody can make a speech and offer suggestions for the economic development in ethnic minority areas.
代表政策:《关于2005年深化经济 体制改革的意见》 发布时间:2005年4月4日 发布部门:国务院 入选理由:体制改革是经济领域永 远的话题。将经济体制改革进行下 去!是国务院200
龅牙君是我们班的班主任,兼职数学老师。说通俗点,就是个典型的“高龄大叔”。“龅牙君”这个称号要追溯到很久很久很久以前。那天,阳光正好,天气晴朗,龅牙君秉承着只想安安静静地做个“美男纸”的原则,特地挑了个靠窗的、最显眼的位置坐下来批试卷。隔壁班的年轻的班主任恰巧路过我们班,顺带向龅牙君打了个招呼。  我不知道齙牙君心里是怎么想的,但我亲眼目睹了那一幕,龅牙君笑得“花枝乱颤”,他属于那种“不笑不知道,