
来源 :民营科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nwhitewolf
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商业贿赂严重破坏了正常的市场经济秩序,影响国民经济的健康运行,侵蚀党的执政基础。因此,采取切实有效措施,依法治理商业贿赂,既是完善社会主义市场经济体制、维护市场经济秩序、构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,也是预防与惩治腐败、推进党风廉政建设的重要内容。分析了商业贿赂的特征及其危害,指出我国治理商业贿赂的立法局限,提出了治理商业贿赂的几点建议。 Commercial bribery seriously undermined the normal market economic order, affected the healthy operation of the national economy and eroded the party’s governing foundation. Therefore, taking practical and effective measures to manage commercial bribery in accordance with the law is not only the necessary requirement of perfecting the socialist market economic system, maintaining the order of the market economy and building a harmonious socialist society, but also an important part of preventing and punishing corruption and promoting the construction of a clean government. It analyzes the characteristics and harm of commercial bribery, points out the legislative limitation of our country to manage commercial bribery and puts forward some suggestions to control commercial bribery.
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恒牙早期 ( A期 )骨性 类反是一种常见的错畸形 ,对口腔功能及颜面美观都有较严重的影响 [1 ]。其往往由于上颌骨发育不足 ,或下颌骨发育过度 ,或二者复合机制造成 ,且
“我的读书故事”征文活动得到了大家热烈的支持,全国各地的稿件如雪片一般飞来,本期我们将刊登“我的读书故事之书香世界(下)”以飨读者。 “My reading story ” essay a
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“上帝不能亲自到每家,于是他创造了母亲。”这是我至今听到过的所有赞美母亲的言辞中最美好、最动听的话。从十月怀胎到一朝分娩;从咿呀学 “God can not go to every hous
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