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在中国的传统文化中,五行的火所对应的颜色是红色,而八卦中的离卦也象征着红色。各朝各代,王者的宫殿墙壁也多为红色。而在民俗中,红色更是象征着喜庆吉祥,新婚红色的喜字,春节红色春联莫不如是。就连奥运的火炬也都设计成了红色。所以,在所有颜色中,我们最喜欢的应该是红色了。历史如此、文化如此、民俗如此,自然,水草也如此。早在N年前,日本造景在ada造景大赛独领风骚的时候,港台的很多作品就在使用着红色的水草,近两年,港台和大陆的很多优秀作品已经在ada比赛中名列前茅的时候,红色水草被更多的应用在水草造景之中了。在水草的业余爱好者中,很多人也对红色水草情有独钟。只是,很多人发现自己买来的水草,一开始还是红彤彤的,慢慢颜色就开始褪掉,变成了土黄色或者绿色,还有些直接就死掉了。这是为什么呢?如果用不那么拗口的道理来说的话,水草中含有叶绿素,这是大家都知道的,但同时还含有类胡萝素和花青素。类胡萝卜素多了,水草呈土黄色;花青素多了,水草就是红色的了。影响这几种“素”在水草中多寡的最重要因素就是光照了,光照强,叶绿素被破坏,类胡萝素就会出来进行光合作用,给水草提供营养;如果强光中含有大量紫外线,类胡萝卜素就会受到伤害,这时,花青素就会出来保护它,花青素越多,水草红的就越鲜艳。道理明白了,主要问题就能解决了,首先,光线要强,最好使用含有一定紫外线的偏向蓝绿色的光源,同时,适当延长光照时间,每天10~12个小时为好。除了光照,种好红色水草还需要经常添加含铁的肥料,最好还有二氧化碳的供给,这是因为花青素是不会光合作用,无法给水草提供养分的。另外,水温偏低一点,水质偏酸一点也会促成花青素的生成。当然,并不是所有的水草都有花青素的,花青素是遗传的,哪怕你用紫外线灯每天狂照铁皇冠24个小时,除了死给你看,说什么它也不会变红的。最常见最便宜的红色水草通常就是最容易养活的,我们在水族市场经常看到的红虎斑睡莲、小红梅、红宫廷、叶底红、红柳等等,这些红色水草,即使是初学者,只要注意了光照,也是很容易养活的。有一定水草经验的爱好者则可以尝试红蝴蝶、大红叶、红松尾、红菊、百叶、牛顿等。如果已经能将南美水草中标志的绿太阳养得很好的朋友,那么红太阳、红头趴趴熊、夕烧、古巴叶底红、紫艳柳、红雨伞等种类就可以尝试一下了。 In China’s traditional culture, the fire corresponding to the Five Elements is red in color, while the hexagrams in gossip symbolize red. Each generation, the king’s palace walls are mostly red. In folklore, red is a symbol of happy auspicious, newlywed red word, Spring Festival couplets better. Even the Olympic torch has also been designed into a red. So, of all the colors, our favorite should be red. History is so, culture is so, folklore, nature, aquatic plants as well. As early as N years ago, when landscaping in Japan dominated the ada landscape competition, many works by Hong Kong and Taiwan were using red aquatic plants. In the past two years, many outstanding works by Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China have been played in the ada competition At the top of the list, red water plants are more used in aquatic plants. Among the amateurs of aquatic plants, many people also have a special liking for red aquatic plants. However, many people find that the aquatic plants they bought are still glowing at first, and slowly the color begins to fade, turns to khaki or green, and some dies directly. Why is this? If you use a less pronounced reason, water plants contain chlorophyll, which we all know, but also contains carotenoids and anthocyanins. More carotenoids, aquatic plants were khaki; anthocyanins more, plants are red. The most important factor that affects the abundance of these kinds of plants is light. When the light is strong and the chlorophyll is destroyed, the carotenoids will come out for photosynthesis and provide nutrition to the plants. If the light contains a large amount of light UV, carotenoids will be harmed, then, anthocyanins will come out to protect it, the more anthocyanins, the more vivid red water plants. The truth is clear, the main problem can be solved, first of all, the light is stronger, it is best to use a certain blue light green with a UV light source, at the same time, appropriate to extend the light time, 10 to 12 hours a day as well. In addition to light, planting a good species of red weeds often requires the addition of iron-containing fertilizers, preferably with carbon dioxide, because anthocyanins are not photosynthetic and can not provide nutrients to plants. In addition, the water temperature is slightly lower, slightly acidic water will also contribute to the formation of anthocyanins. Of course, not all plants have anthocyanins, anthocyanins are hereditary, even if you use iron lamp every day crazy iron crown 24 hours, in addition to die for you to see, that it will not turn red . The most common and cheapest red aquatic plants are usually the easiest to feed, we often see in the aquarium market red tiger water lily, red plum, red court, red leaves, red willow, etc., these red aquatic plants, even for beginners, Just pay attention to the light, it is also very easy to feed. A certain experience of aquatic enthusiasts can try red butterfly, red leaves, red pine tail, red chrysanthemum, blinds, Newton and so on. If you have been able to sign the South American aquatic plants in the green sun well friends, then the red sun, red head Papa bear, Xi burn, the Cuban leaves red, purple Yan Liu, red umbrellas and other species you can try.