庆大霉素有较大的肾毒性已为广大医务工作者所公认。因其疗效肯定,价格低廉,目前临术仍在广泛使用。近年来随着临床广泛应用,毒副作用日趋增多,甚至有因过敏性休克与急性肾功能衰竭而死亡者。现将我院去年收治因注射庆大霉素致急性肾功能衰竭综合征死亡1例报告如下: 杨某,男性,64岁。因右下腹持续性锐痛伴尿频、尿急、尿嫡五天於93年10月9日入院。平素身体健康,无高血压及肾病史。入院时查体,血压16.0/10.0kpa,心肺无异常,右下腹有压痛,右肾区叩击痛阳性。实验室检查:尿蛋白(—),白细胞(—),红细胞(—),肝功能:TTT正
Gentamicin has a greater renal toxicity has been recognized by the majority of medical workers. Because of its curative effect, low price, the current technique is still widely used. In recent years, with the widespread use of clinical, toxic side effects are increasing, and even died of anaphylactic shock and acute renal failure. Now in our hospital admitted last year due to gentamicin-induced acute renal failure syndrome was reported as follows: Yang, male, 64 years old. Due to the right lower quadrant persistent sharp pain with frequent urination, urgency, urinalysis five days in October 9, 93 admission. Normal physical health, no history of hypertension and kidney disease. Admission examination, blood pressure 16.0 / 10.0kpa, cardiopulmonary no abnormalities, right lower quadrant tenderness, right kidney area percussion pain positive. Laboratory tests: urinary protein (-), white blood cells (-), red blood cells (-), liver function: TTT positive