
来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yydxpjg
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以廉价的铝锭和异丙醇为起始原料,采用独特的分离提纯、回收再利用技术和溶胶凝胶工艺,合成高性能纳米氧化铝粉体,并利用TEM,XRD和石墨炉原子吸收法等对粉体的相组成、形貌和杂质含量进行分析研究。得出原料对粉体的形貌和组成没有影响,两种不同的Al源均制备出了粒径为10~20nm,球形γ-Al2O3粉体;而原料和蒸馏工艺对纳米氧化铝粉体的纯度有影响,随铝锭纯度的增加,所制备的纳米氧化铝所含的微量杂质含量明显下降。和一次蒸馏相比,二次蒸馏所得产物的主要微量杂质明显下降。利用重熔铝锭为原料,采用二次蒸馏工艺,制得了纯度高达99.99%的纳米氧化铝,且在制备过程中没有废液,废气排出,实现了高纯纳米氧化铝粉体的低成本、环保型生产。 Using cheap aluminum ingot and isopropanol as starting materials, a unique separation and purification, recycling technology and sol-gel process were used to synthesize high-performance nano-alumina powder. TEM, XRD and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Such as the phase composition, morphology and impurity content analysis. The results showed that the raw materials had no influence on the morphology and composition of the powders. Two different Al sources prepared spherical γ-Al2O3 powders with a particle size of 10 ~ 20 nm. However, With the purity of the aluminum ingot increasing, the content of trace impurities contained in the prepared nano-alumina is obviously decreased. Compared with the first distillation, the main impurities of the second distillation product significantly decreased. Remelting aluminum ingots as raw materials, the use of secondary distillation process, the purity of up to 99.99% of the nano-alumina, and in the preparation process without waste, exhaust emissions, high purity nano-alumina powder to achieve low-cost, Environmentally friendly production.
This paper reviews recent developments in nonlinear control technologies for shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators in robotics and their related applications. SMA
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西班牙导演路易斯·布努艾尔在墨西哥拍摄的低成本商业片中,《苏珊娜》大概是最有趣的一部。   故事一开始,漂亮少女苏珊娜被一群女警关进监狱,她吱哇乱叫又打又踢,还使出下三滥的招数往女警脸上吐唾沫。此时一群大妈女警很合时宜的飞出一句给苏珊娜盖棺定论的总结评语:这家伙已被关数次,没救了。   女警走后,镜头转入监牢。苏珊娜环视简陋的牢房,看到地上跑过一只硕鼠,立刻歇斯底里大喊放她出去。她越喊越起劲,而老
精英电脑新近推出了一款PC133主板P6BAT-Me(2.0),此块主板具有Slotl与Socket370双插槽设计、采用威盛VIA 82C693A/82C596B系统芯片组,支持赛扬、赛扬PPGA和PentiumⅡ/Ⅲ等处理器,并支持133MHz FSB Elite PC recently introduced a PC133 motherboard P6B
导演:弗洛里安·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马  Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck   制片:Gary Barber ....pro..   编剧:朱利安·费罗斯 Julian Fello..   主演:约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp ..   类型:剧情,惊悚  级别:USA:PG-13  地域:欧美  国家:美国,法国  片长:分钟  发行公司:哥伦比亚影片公司  
个人计算机接口(PCI)设备的错误安装常会导致中断请求(IRQ)共享出现问题,从而影响服务器的性能和可用性。有鉴于此, HP采用了 Smart IRQ技术来自动选择最佳方式分配 PCI中断,将 IRQ冲突减到最小。 在 EISA和 ISA总
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