凝聚科技精华 促进技术进步——天津科技协作促进会成立

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为了进一步贯彻落实市委、市政府科技兴市战略方针,充分发挥驻津科研机构设计院所、高等院校的人才优势和科技优势,加强院所与天津市工业企业的合作,促进高新技术成果的转化,由理化工程研究院、化工研究院和机械部五院等7个院所倡议,有40余个驻津科研院所和南开大学、天津大学等单位参加的天津市科技协作促进会于3月1日正式成立。“科技协作促进会”由全国人大常委会常委杨竞衡任名誉理事长、天津市委常委副市长李慧芬任理事长、天津市科委主任梁肃任常务副理事长、副主任雷世钧任副理事长兼秘书长。 驻津科研院所和高等院校是本市重要科技力量,其中有国家级工程技术研究中心一个;国家级重点实验室5个;部级以上的标准、情报、计量、检测中心42个。不仅涉及的专业学科范围广泛,而且拥有一批在电子材料、工程机械、自动控制、海洋技术、生物 In order to further implement the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and technology by the municipal government and give full play to the talent and technological advantages of design institutes and institutions of higher learning in research institutes in Jinjiang, strengthen the cooperation between institutions and industrial enterprises in Tianjin, and promote the high-tech achievements Transformation, by the Physical and Chemical Engineering Research Institute, Institute of Chemical Industry and the Ministry of Machinery five homes and other seven institutes initiative, there are more than 40 research institutes in Tianjin and Nankai University, Tianjin University and other units to participate in Tianjin Science and Technology Collaboration in 3 On the 1st of January was formally established. “Science and Technology Association” by the Standing Committee of the NPC Standing Committee Yang Jingheng honorary chairman of Tianjin Municipal Committee, vice mayor Li Huifen served as chairman of the Tianjin Science and Technology Commission Liang Su as executive vice chairman, vice chairman Lei Shijun served as vice chairman and concurrently Secretary General. There are 42 state-level engineering and technical research centers, 5 state-level key laboratories and 42 standards, intelligence, measurement and testing centers above the ministry level. Not only involves a wide range of professional disciplines, but also has a group of electronic materials, construction machinery, automatic control, marine technology, biology
“VHDL设计”是微电子专业的一门专业课,本文在教学实际中通过问卷调查分析了高职学生学习该课程存在的问题,提出了相应对策。 “VHDL Design ” is a specialized course
采用陶瓷粘结的立方氮化硼(CBN)砂轮,可获得综合经济效益,特别是在自动化磨削中。本文讨论影响砂轮寿命的诸因素。 1.磨床的选择采用陶瓷粘结CBN砂轮的磨床必须具有足够的刚
今年以来,按照党中央确定的全党、全国工作大局,努力做好各方面工作,改革开放和经济发展取得新的进展,社会保持稳定,总的形势比原来预料的要好。 Since the beginning of t
<正> 中国材料研究学会(CMRS)经过较长时间认真的筹备,于1991年5月16日在北京正式成立。成立大会上,严东生、师昌绪教授代表筹备组介绍了中国材料研究学会筹建的经过,并着重