
来源 :毛泽东文艺思想研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wstpxx
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社会主义文学的萌发、产生和发展,迄今已有近两个世纪的历史,走过了漫长、曲折和探索的道路。她行至今日,又一次遇到了严峻的挑战。近期,还有人从对她的“反思”到轻浮的否定,认为根本不存在“社会主义文学”。其主要理由是:“社会主义”是个政治概念,根本不可能同文学特性“融洽”在一起。这种观点,已经或正在对文艺界和学术理论界产生不良影响,因此笔者认为有必要重新予以澄清。否则,任其流行,势必对有中国特色社会主义文学的繁荣发展起到阻碍以至破坏的作用。对此,决不能等闲视之。 The germination, emergence and development of socialist literature have so far passed the history of nearly two centuries and gone through a long, tortuous and exploratory path. Her line up to today, once again encountered a serious challenge. Recently, some people think that there is no such thing as “socialist literature” at all from her “reflections” to frivolous negation. The main reason for this is: “Socialism” is a political concept that can not be literary “harmony” at all. This view, has been or is having an adverse impact on literary and art circles and academic theorists, so I think it is necessary to be clarified. Otherwise, letting it prevail will inevitably hinder and even sabotage the prosperity and development of the socialist literature with Chinese characteristics. In this regard, must not be ignored.
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To describe our experience with the sentinel lymph node biopsy in cervical cancer patients, using a laparotomic approach and blue dye technique. Methods. Betwee
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诗人、中国河北省作家协会副主席刘小放应马来西亚作家协会的邀请,于1996年10月作为中国人民对外友好协会代表团的成员访问了马来西亚。《南洋诗絮》是他访问期间的新作。 T