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晋新夹着一本书。我蜷伏在被窝里,还没穿外衣,他就郑重其事递给我——《文革瓷壶图鉴》,封面赫然钤印着晋新的大名。我一阵唏嘘。多年未见,晋新突然嬗变为业内小有名气的瓷器收藏家了。翻阅着,爱不释手,感觉胸膛肋间有腾跃的力量向外膨胀。近年国人收藏热兴起,跟风,盲目者大有人在,古玩、字画、瓷器、钱币、玉器、奇石、彩陶之类,一夜爆红,滥竽充数的专家如雨后春笋目不暇接。没想到晋新扎实潜入了,且收获颇丰。时髦中,他另辟蹊径,竟弄出了不菲的动静。北三环附近一个小区,晋新买下一套两居室,宅内布置清雅,高蹈,有孤隐意味,尤其那三面墙的花架设计,古朴,妍秀,似有余音绕梁的袅袅回音。文房旧物,粉彩碗盏,紫砂茶壶,罐瓶盘杯,更 Jin new folder with a book. I crouched in the blanket, not wearing a coat, he solemnly handed it to me - “Cultural Revolution porcelain pottery”, cover impressively Jin new name. I sigh for a while. Over the years did not see, Jin suddenly changed into the industry’s little-known porcelain collector. Flipping through, put it down, feeling the power of pectoral breasts to swell outward. In recent years, there has been a great deal of enthusiasm among the people in the country. Follow the trend of the wind and blind people are overwhelmed by numerous experts such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings, porcelain, coins, jade, precious stones and painted pottery. Jin did not expect a solid dive into the new, and rewarding. Trendy, he another way, actually made a lot of movement. North Third Ring Road near a residential area, Jin bought a new two-bedroom, elegant layout of the house, elegant dance, lonely meanings, especially those three walls of the flower shelf design, simple, Yan show, seems to be more than the reverberation of the curl echo. House old things, pastel bowls, Zisha teapot, bottle jar cups, and more
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7月10日,徐工全球首台八轴1 200 t风电专用全地面起重机向电力系统大客户发车,在国内百吨以上超级移动式起重机市场以60%占有率独占鳌头并完全替代进口。徐工凭借在世界最大
(一)  昨天和一个朋友聊天,她说她要去听一个讲座,讲演者是她崇拜的人,因为她想到既然世界末日要来了,不如放下工作,周游世界,写书……  我一听到“周游世界”一词,差一点没有喷出自己喜爱的绿豆粥,惊诧:“怎么又有周游世界了!!”  我丝毫没有贬低朋友偶像的意思。但最近听说了太多的“周游世界”了:老夫妻卖房周游世界,小年轻辞工作周游世界,某帅哥背着包吃遍世界(这个我羡慕,但不是羡慕他的帅而是羡慕他的
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.